What is the best view to diagnose SCFE?

What is the best view to diagnose SCFE?

Standard radiography is the first-choice imaging modality in patients with suspected SCFE. Usually, anteroposterior (AP) pelvis and frog-lateral views of both hips are obtained (Fig. 1). Radiographs of the contralateral side should always be included to rule out the bilateral involvement of SCFE.

How is SCFE diagnosed?

SCFE is diagnosed through physical exam including rotation of the affected leg, observation while walking and X-rays. A MRI may be ordered if the diagnosis is not able to be made with X-rays and your healthcare provider still suspects your child has SCFE.

How long does SCFE surgery take?

When treated early and appropriately, long-term hip function can be expected to be very good. Once SCFE is confirmed, your child will not be allowed to put weight on their hip and will probably be admitted to the hospital. In most cases, surgery is performed within 24 to 48 hours.

How do you measure a SCFE slip angle?

The slip angle is calculated by subtracting the epiphyseal shaft angle of the normal hip from the slip side. Those less than 30 degrees are considered mild, between 30 and 50 degrees moderate, and greater than 50 degrees severe.

Is SCFE an emergency?

SCFE is usually an emergency and must be diagnosed and treated early. In 20 to 40 percent of affected children, SCFE will be present in both hips at the time the child is diagnosed. If only one hip is affected, the other hip will eventually slip 30 to 60 percent of the time. Treatment is surgical.

Can SCFE be missed?

SCFE usually occurs in those eight to 15 years of age and is one of the most commonly missed diagnoses in children.

What are the symptoms of SCFE?

Symptoms of SCFE typically include complaints of pain in the groin or hip that is aggravated by activity. Sometimes the child will also experience pain in the thigh or knee area. In acute or unstable slips, the child will complain of immediate pain, limp, or feel like the leg is “giving way.”

Can you walk after SCFE surgery?

After surgery to fix a SCFE, the child will need to walk with crutches for 6 to 8 weeks. The child may be referred to a physical therapist for treatment during recovery. Follow-up is vital every 3 to 4 months for the next several years to recheck the treated hip.

Is SCFE a fracture?

In SCFE, the top or cap of the ball slips off the femoral head through the growth plate. Think of the ball as being like a scoop of ice cream that falls off its “cone,” the thighbone. It is a kind of break (fracture). Almost all children with the condition have surgery.

Is SCFE common?

Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is the most common hip disorder in adolescents, occurring in 10.8 per 100,000 children. SCFE usually occurs in those eight to 15 years of age and is one of the most commonly missed diagnoses in children.

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