What are the two types of resource consents?

What are the two types of resource consents?

There are five types of Resource Consents:

  • Water permits – take, use, dam, and divert.
  • Discharge permits – to land, air, and water.
  • Coastal permits – construction, deposit, disturb, and alter.
  • Land use consent – build, excavation, and damage to habitat.
  • Subdivision consent.

What are resource consents NZ?

A resource consent is formal approval from your council to do something that they haven’t clearly identified in their plan as either permitted or prohibited. It includes things like: using or subdividing land. taking water.

Who is responsible for issuing resource consents NZ?

Under this legislation, applications are lodged with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). We do not process these. For more on fast-track consents, or to speak to someone about an application made under this legislation, contact the EPA.

What requires a resource consent?

A resource consent is a formal approval for such things as the use or subdivision of land, the taking of water, the discharge of contaminants in water, soil or air, or the use or occupation of coastal space. It’s not just new buildings that may require resource consent.

What are environmental consents?

Environmental Consents means any permits, licences, consents, certificates, registrations, approvals or other authorisations required by or under any Environmental Laws for the operation of the Group’s business or the use of, or any activities or operations carried out at any of the Properties.

How long do resource consents last?

five years
In most cases, for resource consents you have five years from the day the consent is granted to fulfil the purpose and conditions of consent. However, you need to check the conditions on your consent for any specific time frames.

Do you need resource consent before building consent?

If a resource consent is required, it must be applied for before a building consent. If the proposed work is completely internal, it may not require a resource consent – but a building consent may still be necessary.

What are building consents?

A building consent is Council’s written authority to carry out building work that it considers will comply with the Building Code provided it is completed in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted with the. It cannot be issued retrospectively for work already completed.

Do I need resource consent to build a house?

Essentially, Resource Consent applies to work you intend to do on the land (which may include building if it falls outside the District Plan and allowable Building Envelope) and Building Consent applies to building work you do.

Can you build without a resource consent?

WHO issues an environmental permit?

About environmental permits For heavy industry you need a permit from the Environment Agency. For part A(2) and B processes you need a permit from your local council. If you’re not sure which permit you need, contact us.

Do environmental permits expire?

Environmental permits do not expire as a matter of course unless specified. However, the issuing authorities must review permits periodically.

How do I apply for resource consent in New Zealand?

When applying for resource consent you need to complete the Part A form plus any relevant Part B forms, and provide any other information requested on the forms (such as maps or management plans). Your application must be submitted via email to [email protected], or posted or delivered in hard copy to Environment Southland.

Are there any exceptions to the process for notified consents?

The only exceptions are Limited Notified consents, where only the notified affected parties are able to make a submission. Read more about the process for publicly notified consents. A submission is a written statement about a notified resource consent application.

How do I contact a consents officer?

If you have a consents related enquiry and would like to speak with a consents officer, you can reach the team by calling 0800 76 88 45 or by emailing [email protected] to arrange a call back. A range of topic-based factsheets to help you navigate the resource consent process. All our consent forms are available here.

Can road dust control be used without resource consent?

Environment Southland is aware of a commercial product, Road Dust Control, which is approved under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 for use as a dust suppressant and can be used without resource consent being obtained. Ministry of the Environment guidelines recommend controlling dust emissions using the following procedures:

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