Where do you put a comma in an essay?

Where do you put a comma in an essay?

The commas help the reader find each unique item (or group of items) in a series by separating them. Example: School officials are dismayed by poor grades, low attendance, and high drug use. You can join two complete sentences with coordinating conjunctions.

Do you put a comma before or after for example?

Use either a comma or a semicolon before introductory words such as namely, that is, i.e., e.g., for example, or for instance, when they are followed by a series of items. Also put a comma after the introductory word: (35) You may be required to bring many items, for example, sleeping bags, pans, and warm clothing.

Where do you put a comma when using so?

Should you place a comma before so when it joins two clauses in a sentence? The answer depends on whether the clause introduced by so is an independent or dependent clause. If so begins an independent clause, a comma should precede it, but if it begins a dependent clause, leave it out.

Should a comma go after so?

In formal writing style “so” is not followed by a comma when used at the beginning of a sentence, although some feel strongly that it shouldn’t begin a sentence in the first place. “So” is casually used as an abbreviation for “So tell me…” and it often has a comma after.

How many commas is too much?

If you feel you have too many commas, you do. Like, no one can say you should have twenty-seven commas per page or anything like that. The first question would be, Do you have commas in inappropriate places? If you have sentences like, “Bob walked, to, the store, slowly” then yes, there are too many commas.

Can you use a comma in a simple sentence?

Simple sentences A simple sentence contains only one independent clause and no dependent clauses. When a simple sentence contains a conjunction, you might be tempted to insert a comma before the conjunction, as you do with a compound sentence. With a simple sentence, however, the general rule is to omit the comma.

Can a simple sentence have two subjects?

A simple sentence contains one independent clause. A compound sentence contains more than one! Put another way: a simple sentence contains a subject and a predicate, but a compound sentence contains more than one subject and more than one predicate.

What is an example of a comma splice sentence?

This error is called a comma splice. For example: I went to the mall, Jane was there. “I went to the mall” is an independent clause that can stand alone as its own sentence.

What does comma mean?

A comma is a punctuation mark that indicates a pause in a sentence or separates items in a list. A comma is also used before the words “and” or “but” to join two independent clauses.

Does 1000 need a comma?

1000 or one thousand is the natural number following 999 and preceding 1001. In most English-speaking countries, it is often written with a comma separating the thousands unit: 1,000.

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