What are the basics of a server?

What are the basics of a server?

A server is a computer or system that provides resources, data, services, or programs to other computers, known as clients, over a network. In theory, whenever computers share resources with client machines they are considered servers.

What is server in networking?

A server is a computer program or device that provides a service to another computer program and its user, also known as the client. In a data center, the physical computer that a server program runs on is also frequently referred to as a server.

What is networking and basics of networking?

Computer networks can also include multiple devices/mediums which help in the communication between two different devices; these are known as Network devices and include things such as routers, switches, hubs, and bridges. Network Topology: The layout arrangement of the different devices in a network.

Is Google a server?

Google Web Server (GWS) – custom Linux-based Web server that Google uses for its online services.

Which computer is used as server?

Any computer, even a home desktop or laptop computer, can act as a server with the right software. For example, you could install an FTP server program on your computer to share files between other users on your network.

What is a IP server?

An IP address is a unique string of numbers that identifies a machine that’s connected to a network. In this case, the machine would be the server, while the network would be the internet as a whole. An IP address is then translated by the Domain Name System (DNS) to an associated domain name.

How do servers work?

A server stores, sends, and receives data. In essence, it “serves” something else and exists to provide services. A computer, software program, or even a storage device may act as a server, and it may provide one service or several.

Is Internet a server?

All of the machines on the Internet are either servers or clients. The machines that provide services to other machines are servers. And the machines that are used to connect to those services are clients.

What is a network server?

A network server is an instance of a computer program or device that receives and answers to the requests from the clients (such as a computer, printer, fax, etc.). Like the ordinary PC, a network server is also made up by CPU, memory, motherboard, graphics card and hard disk.

What are the components of a network server?

Like the ordinary PC, a network server is also made up by CPU, memory, motherboard, graphics card and hard disk. Usually, a network server is used to manage network resources, such as controlling access to a network, sending/receiving e-mails, or hosting websites and so on.

How many servers does a computer network have?

Most computer networks support one or more servers that handle specialized tasks. As a rule, the larger the network in terms of clients that connect to it or the amount of data that it moves, the more likely it is that several servers play a role, each dedicated to a specific purpose.

What are the basics of networking?

Switches, routers, and wireless access points are the essential networking basics. Through them, devices connected to your network can communicate with one another and with other networks, like the Internet.

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