How far is Germany from Amsterdam by plane?

How far is Germany from Amsterdam by plane?

The shortest distance (air line) between Germany and Amsterdam is 246.37 mi (396.50 km).

Is it cheaper to fly or train from London to Amsterdam?

Travel Information to Amsterdam from London

Distance 221 miles (356 km)
Ticket price range $37 – $110
Cheapest mode Flight • $37 (€34) • 1 h
Fastest mode Flight • $37 (€34) • 1 h
Popular travel companies Flixbus, easyJet or Eurostar

How long is train journey from London to Amsterdam?

3hrs 52mins
How long is the Eurostar London to Amsterdam train journey? Typically, the train journey from London to Amsterdam takes 3hrs 52mins.

Can you go to Germany from UK by train?

Travelling from London to Germany by train is easier than you’d think. Hop on a Eurostar service from London to Brussels in 2h 01m. Change on to a high-speed Deutsche Bahn ICE service to Köln (Cologne) in 1h 50m and from there, you can reach Munich, Frankfurt or Berlin on another slick ICE train.

Which German city is closest to Amsterdam?

One of the closest major cities east of the Dutch-German border, Cologne is just 150 miles (240 km) from Amsterdam. The city serves as an excellent entry-point into Germany for travelers, as navigating between the two cities whether it’s by train, bus, or car, is both affordable and easy.

How do you get to Amsterdam from UK?

There are several ways of travelling from London to Amsterdam. The quickest and easiest way is by air from one of the three London airports. The Eurostar train is a good alternative from London, connecting via Brussels with one of the high-speed rail links into Amsterdam.

Can u drive from London to Amsterdam?

How long is the drive from London to Amsterdam? The direct drive from London to Amsterdam is 334 mi (538 km), and should have a drive time of 5 hrs 36 mins in normal traffic.

Can I drive to Amsterdam from UK?

Yes lots of people drive from London to Amsterdam. Lots of people also fly or take the train because its is easy and convenient, and there is no need to have a car when staying in Amsterdam.

How many hours is London to Germany?

Average direct flight time is 1 hours 54 minutes. The fastest direct flight from London to Germany is 1 hours 54 minutes.

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