Who was Modron?

Who was Modron?

Modron (“mother”) is a figure in Welsh tradition, known as the mother of the hero Mabon ap Modron. Both characters may have derived from earlier divine figures, in her case the Gaulish goddess Matrona. She may have been a prototype for Morgan le Fay from the Arthurian legend.

Who is Mabon ap Modron?

Mabon ap Modron is a prominent figure from Welsh literature and mythology, the son of Modron and a member of Arthur’s war band. Both he and his mother were likely deities in origin, descending from a divine mother–son pair.

What is DND Modron?

Modrons (pronounced: /ˈmoʊdrɑːnz/ MO-dranz) were a race of immortals known for their zealous adherence to the principles of law and order above all else. Just as fiends were considered the embodiment of evil and celestials the embodiment of good, so were modrons the embodiment of the universal principle of order.

Who is Mabons mother?

mother Rhiannon
His mother Rhiannon is thought to be a reflex of the Celtic horse goddess, who also acts as a sovereignty goddess; there is little doubt that Modron–a river goddess–acts as a sovereignty goddess in the story from Peniarth 147 (see below).

What language do Modrons speak?

Modron was the language spoken by the modrons. To humanoids, it sounded like a series of “clicks and whirs”. There was no word in the Modron language for an individual to refer to itself in the single person. A modron always referred to itself as “we” or “us”.

How tall are Modrons?

Modrons vary in height from the 4ft Monodrone up to the 12ft Pentadrone depending on their type. Your size is large if you are a Pentadrone, otherwise it’s medium. Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30ft.

Who is Maponos?

Maponos (“Divine Son” or “Divine Youth”) is attested in Gaul but occurs mainly in northern Britain. He appears in medieval Welsh literature as Mabon, son of Modron (that is, of Matrona, “Divine Mother”), and he evidently figured in a myth of the infant god carried…

How do Modrons reproduce?

Monodrones, having no castes below them, reproduce by fission to replace lost members. The new monodrone formed when an existing one divides draws its life essence out of the pool. (In light of this life cycle, the claim that all modrons are one might be truer than it first seems.)

Who is Mabon named after?

The name Mabon comes from the Welsh God, who was the son of the Earth Mother Goddess. However, there is evidence that the name was adopted in the 1970s, and the holiday was not originally a Celtic celebration. To celebrate this holiday, pagans might pick apples. Apples are a common symbol of the second harvest.

Can Modrons speak common?

Edition relative fluff## In 3e Modrons are unaware of anything higher or lower than the cast they speak to unless they go rogue. In 2e Monodrones are unable to speak and Quadrones are able to speak Common.

Are Modrons alive?

Common, Modrons are mechanical looking outsiders native to Mechanus, the Lawful Neutral aligned Outer Plane. Modrons are living creatures that resemble geometric shapes with humanoid limbs.

What is a modron in Harry Potter?

Modrons (pronounced: /ˈ m oʊ d r ɑː n z / MO-dranz) were a race of immortals known for their zealous adherence to the principles of law and order above all else. Just as fiends were considered the embodiment of evil and celestials the embodiment of good, so were modrons the embodiment of the universal principle of order.

Who is Mabon ap Modron in King Arthur?

Mabon ap Modron is a prominent figure from Welsh literature and mythology, the son of Modron and a member of Arthur’s war band. Both he and his mother were likely deities in origin, descending from a divine mother–son pair.

Is Modron a prototype for Morgan le Fay?

She may have been a prototype for Morgan le Fay from the Arthurian legend . Modron largely features in the Welsh tradition as a supernatural mother figure. She likely derives from the Celtic goddess Matrona, known to have been worshiped in Gaul. Similarly, Modron’s son, Mabon (“youth”), appears to derive from the youth god Maponos.

What is the difference between Madrun and Modron?

Other scholars believe the names Modron and Madrun are likely to be etymologically distinct; Madrun comes from the Vulgar Latin name Matrōna (also a common noun matrōna “matron”, from Classical Latin mātrōna ), while Modron is from the Gallo-Brittonic theonym *Mātronā “Mother (goddess)”.


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