Who is Charles Hill?

Who is Charles Hill?

Charles W. L. Hill is the Hughes M. and Katherine Blake Professor of Strategy and International Business at the Foster School of Business, University of Washington.

What is the best book for International Business?

Market-defining since it was introduced, International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace by Charles W.L. Hill (University of Washington) sets the standard and is the proven choice for International Business at the undergraduate and graduate level.

What books has Professor Hill published?

Professor Hill has also published several textbooks including International Business (McGraw Hill LLC) and Global Business Today (McGraw Hill LLC). His work is among the most widely cited in the world in international business and strategic management.

Who is Mark Hill?

His work is among the most widely cited in the world in international business and strategic management. Beginning in 2014, Dr. Hill partnered with Dr. Tomas Hult in a formidable co-authorship of the IB franchise of textbooks ( International Business, Global Business Today ).

Is the International Business 7th edition worth it?

The international edition of the 7th edition of International Business is a steal! It’s the same as the hardcover US edition textbook word for word, but it’s about $80 cheaper. As far as the textbook itself, it is very informative and easy to read. Pretty decent book, with a little bias.

Is the International Business textbook worth the price?

Informative textbook, bargain edition! The international edition of the 7th edition of International Business is a steal! It’s the same as the hardcover US edition textbook word for word, but it’s about $80 cheaper. As far as the textbook itself, it is very informative and easy to read.

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