Which station is near to Old Delhi railway station?

Which station is near to Old Delhi railway station?

Nearest Metro Stations to Old Delhi Railway Station (DLI)

Metro Station Name Line Distance from Old Delhi Railway Station
Kashmere Gate Metro Station Red, Yellow and Violet 0.85 Kilometer
Lal Quila Metro Station Violet 1.1 Kilometers
Tis Hazari Metro Station Red 1.6 Kilometers
Jama Masjid Metro Station Violet 2 Kilometers

Which metro line goes to Old Delhi railway station?

Yellow Line
Chandni Chowk Metro Station is the nearest Metro to Old Delhi Railway station(DLI). It is an underground metro station which is located on Yellow Line of Delhi Metro. It is also known as Old Delhi Metro Station. Old Delhi Railway station is at walking distance from Chandni Chowk Metro station.

How many station are in Old Delhi?

Delhi Junction railway station

Old Delhi Junction
Owned by Indian Railways
Operated by Northern Railways
Platforms 16
Tracks 18

Why Chandni Chowk is famous?

Mainly famous for fancy and elegant lights, basic or decorative, this place is also Asia’s largest market for electronics and electrical goods. That’s not all, there are plenty of shops which offer medical equipment and allopathic medicines.

Which station is near Taj Mahal?

Agra Cantonment
The main railway station in Agra is Agra Cantonment (AGC), which is about a 20-minute drive from the Taj Mahal.

How do I get from Old Delhi Railway Station to airport?

Pls follow these steps.

  1. Take a pre paid cab from T-1 to T-3 ( 10-15 minutes) and get into airport metro upto New Delhi Metro.( journey time 23 mts + 17 mts for transfer/wait etc)
  2. Take Orange Line to chandani chowk from New Delhi Railway station, it is just two stop( time 10-15 mts)

What is the old name of Chandni Chowk?

Moonlight Square
The Chandni Chowk , also known as Moonlight Square is one of the oldest and busiest markets in Old Delhi, Delhi, India. It is located close to the Old Delhi Railway Station.

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