Which of the following pairs of muscles are agonist antagonist?

Which of the following pairs of muscles are agonist antagonist?

In an antagonistic muscle pair, as one muscle contracts, the other muscle relaxes or lengthens. The muscle that is contracting is called the agonist and the muscle that is relaxing or lengthening is called the antagonist….Antagonistic muscle pairs.

Biceps Triceps
Gastrocnemius Tibialis anterior
Pectorals Latissimus dorsi

What is the antagonist of the neck?

Antagonists: Upper Trapezius, Levator Scapula, Splenius Capitis, Splenius Cervicis.

Which 2 muscle pairings are agonist antagonist pairs?

Muscles that work like this are called antagonistic pairs. In an antagonistic muscle pair as one muscle contracts the other muscle relaxes or lengthens….Antagonistic muscle pairs.

Biceps Triceps
Hamstrings Quadriceps
Gluteus maximus Hip flexors
Gastrocnemius Tibialis anterior
Pectoralis major Latissimus dorsi

Which is an example of an agonist antagonist pair?

Biceps & Triceps To recap, as we flex (or curl) our arm, the bicep functions as the agonist muscle during its contraction, whereas the tricep is the antagonist muscle, as it relaxes. As we uncurl or relax our arm, these roles are reversed, with the bicep becoming the antagonist, and the tricep the agonist muscle.

Which of the following pairs of muscles are agonist antagonists that is one flexes and the other extends the forearm?

Which of the following pairs of muscles are agonist-antagonists (that is, one flexes and the other extends) the forearm? In extending the arm, the role of the triceps brachii is to act as the antagonist.

What muscles are involved in neck extension?

There are eight muscles involved in neck extensions.

  • Basic Neck Extension Exercise. The basic neck extension exercise is simple.
  • Splenius Capitus. The splenius capitus is a thick muscle that resembles a strap.
  • Cervicis Muscles.
  • Semispinalis Cervicis.
  • Spinalis Capitus.
  • Semispinalis Capitus.
  • Upper Trapezius.
  • Longissimus Cervicis.

What muscles are the antagonist of the sternocleidomastoid?

The sternocleidomastoid muscles help to flex the neck. Their antagonists are the longus capitis and the rectus capitis anterior.

Which muscles work in pairs?

Muscles work in pairs, when one muscle shortens the opposite muscle lengthens e.g. the biceps shortens to bend the elbow at the same time its opposite muscle, the triceps, lengthens to allow the movement to occur. Good working between pairs of muscle allows for smooth controlled movement.

Are quadriceps and hamstrings antagonistic pair?

During the actual kicking phase, the knee needs to extend in order to make contact with the ball. For this to happen, the quadriceps now need to contract while the hamstrings relax and lengthen. Now, the quadriceps are the agonist and the hamstrings are the antagonist.

What is antagonistic muscles give two examples?

Antagonistic muscles are those muscles which produce movements in an antagonistic pair of muscles by opposing the movement of the agonistic muscle . i.e. when one contacts the other relaxes and vice versa. Example- biceps and triceps, quadriceps and hamstrings.

What are agonist muscles?

The muscle that is contracting is called the agonist and the muscle that is relaxing or lengthening is called the antagonist. One way to remember which muscle is the agonist – it’s the one that’s in ‘agony’ when you are doing the movement as it is the one that is doing all the work.

What are agonists and antagonist muscles?

Agonists and antagonists usually exist on opposite sides near a joint, such as the biceps and triceps with the elbow as well as the hamstrings and quadriceps at the knee. The biceps are the front of the upper arm, and the triceps are in the back, states the BBC. When the biceps muscle contracts and the triceps relaxes, the forearm moves up.

Which muscle is the antagonist during a biceps flexion?

The other main muscle involved in the movement is the antagonist. During a biceps contraction, the antagonist would be your triceps, which is located on the back of your upper arm. Instead of tightening during a biceps flex, this muscle relaxes and elongates.

What are prime movers and antagonist muscles?

A contraction is when your muscles tense or shorten in length. In the example above, the biceps muscles were the prime movers that made the biceps flex happen. The other main muscle involved in the movement is the antagonist. During a biceps contraction, the antagonist would be your triceps, which is located on the back of your upper arm.

What is the agonist and antagonist of brachialis?

In this example, biceps brachii is the agonist or prime mover. Triceps brachii is the antagonist and brachialis is a synergist with biceps brachii.

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