What were the 4 goals for the Lewis and Clark expedition?

What were the 4 goals for the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The Lewis And Clark Expedition Begins Their mission was to explore the unknown territory, establish trade with the Natives and affirm the sovereignty of the United States in the region. One of their goals was to find a waterway from the US to the Pacific Ocean.

What were 3 goals of the expedition?

The expedition, which began in 1804 and took more than two years to complete, had three purposes: to chart a route that would be part of a passage between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; to trace the boundaries of the territory obtained in the Louisiana Purchase; and to lay claim to the Oregon Territory.

What was the primary goal of Louis and Clark Expedition?

What Was The Primary Goal Of The Lewis And Clark Expedition? The Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804–1806) was a federally funded venture to explore the North American West. The expedition’s principal objective was to survey the Missouri and Columbia rivers, locating routes that would connect the continental interior to the Pacific Ocean.

What goals did Lewis and Clark accomplish on their adventure?

Osage orange. Scientific name: Maclura pomifera – Lewis first described this on March 3,1804.…

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  • Silver-leaf psoralea; silvery scurfpea.
  • What was one of the purposes of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

    Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804–06) was a U.S. military expedition, led by Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark, to explore the Louisiana Purchase and the Pacific Northwest. The expedition was a major chapter in the history of American exploration.

    What did Lewis and Clark learn from their expedition?

    Under orders from Jefferson, Lewis and Clark meticulously recorded observations about the geography, plants, animals and inhabitants of the country through which they passed. Lewis and Clark contributed considerable knowledge about the biological diversity of North America.

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