What simplex frequency should I use?

What simplex frequency should I use?

Across all of North America, the National Simplex Frequency (also referred to as the calling frequency) is 146.52 MHz. In areas that use 15-kHz channels, the adjacent channels are 146.535, 146.550, 146.565 MHz, etc.

What are the 70cm simplex frequencies?

The 70 cm band (420 to 450 MHz) is another popular ham band for simplex and repeater operating, so we’ll take a look at that band now.

What are the simplex channels?

Simplex is the communication method where both transmitter and receiver are operating on a single (or the same) frequency, for example VHF CH 12 and VHF CH 16. On simplex channels it isn’t possible to transmit and receive simultaneously.

What is the UHF simplex frequency?

Notes: The frequency 146.40 MHz is used in some areas as a repeater input. This band plan has been proposed by the ARRL VHF-UHF Advisory Committee….2 Meters (144-148 MHz)

144.00-144.05 EME (CW)
146.40-146.58 Simplex
146.52 National Simplex Calling Frequency
146.61-146.97 Repeater outputs

What frequency is 15m?

21 to 21.45 MHz
The 15-meter band (also called the 21-MHz band or 15 meters) is an amateur radio frequency band spanning the shortwave spectrum from 21 to 21.45 MHz.

What band is 220 MHz?

The 1.25-meter, 220 MHz or 222 MHz band is a portion of the VHF radio spectrum internationally allocated for amateur radio use on a primary basis in ITU Region 2, and it comprises frequencies from 220 MHz to 225 MHz.

How far can you talk on 2 meters?

about 25 miles
On VHF frequencies such as 2-meters, antenna height greatly influences how far one can talk. Typical reliable repeater range is about 25 miles (40 km). Some repeaters in unusually high locations, such as skyscrapers or mountain tops, can be usable as far out as 75 miles (121 km).

What is a 2 meter radio?

According to Wikipedia, “The 2 meter amateur radio band is a portion of the VHF (very high frequency) Spectrum, comprising of frequencies stretching from 144.000 MHz to 148.000 MHz.” These communications are generally FM or frequency modulated transmissions although some operators do operate using SSB (single sideband) …

How far can a 2 meter radio transmit?

What is a simplex frequency?

Simplex – In the amateur radio context, simplex operation means the radio stations are communicating with each other directly, on the same frequency. Both stations take turns transmitting and receiving on the same frequency with no repeater or other device in between.

What 2m simplex frequencies can be used as repeater pairs?

Note that the SERA band plan indicates that some of the usual 2m simplex frequencies may be used as repeater pairs — an example of a local decision on frequency use. The Arizona 2m band plan shows a range of frequencies to be used for FM simplex, such as 146.400 – 146.600 MHz along with a note that says the Even 20 kHz Frequencies should be used.

What is the best frequency range for FM simplex in Arizona?

The Arizona 2m band plan shows a range of frequencies to be used for FM simplex, such as 146.400 – 146.600 MHz along with a note that says the Even 20 kHz Frequencies should be used. So that means the preferred simplex frequencies in this range are 146.40, 146.42, 146.44, 146.46, 146.48, 146.50, 146.52, 146.54, 146.56, 146.58 and 146.60 MHz.

What is simplex channel confusion on 2 meters?

This is not frequency coordination but it helps the amateur radio community be more effective in using the spectrum. The post Simplex Channel Confusion on 2 Meters appeared first on The KØNR Radio Site. Bob Witte, KØNR, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Colorado, USA.

Can I operate simplex without a repeater?

2-meter FM Simplex Frequencies 2-meter Simplex FM Frequencies by joel Sampson / N5LXI Yes, you can operate simplex without a repeater on two-meters FM! And the audio usually sounds better than working through a machine.

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