What qualifies Pecarn?

What qualifies Pecarn?

When individual criteria are not met, observation or neuroimaging may be indicated….

Age (years) Clinical criteria
≥2 to 18 No vomiting
No severe headache
No signs of basilar skull fracture¥

What age is Pecarn for?

Major Points. This rule was derived from the multicenter PECARN network with both a derivation and validation arm to detect clinically important traumatic brain (ciTBI) injury in children to age 18yrs old after blunt head trauma. The rule stratifies patients < 2 years old and ≥2 years old.

What is ciTBI?

ciTBI. Clinically-important traumatic brain. injury.

What are the priorities for initial management of a head injury?

Initial management priorities. The first priority is to stabilize vital signs. An important goal of stabilization is to avoid secondary injury to the traumatized brain from hypoxia, hypotension, hyperthermia or raised intracranial pressure.

Is concussion an injury?

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth.

What do battle signs indicate?

A Battle sign, or Battle’s sign, is a bruise that indicates a fracture at the bottom of the skull. At first, it can look just like a typical bruise that could heal on its own. However, Battle’s sign is a much more serious condition. The type of fracture that causes Battle’s sign is considered a medical emergency.

What is the Glasgow Coma Scale?

[1] The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is used to objectively describe the extent of impaired consciousness in all types of acute medical and trauma patients. The scale assesses patients according to three aspects of responsiveness: eye-opening, motor, and verbal responses.

How do you treat a head injury?

If the person’s breathing and heart rate are normal, but the person is unconscious, treat as if there is a spinal injury. Stabilize the head and neck by placing your hands on both sides of the person’s head. Keep the head in line with the spine and prevent movement. Wait for medical help.

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