What percentage of Amarillo is Hispanic?

What percentage of Amarillo is Hispanic?

Race and Ethnicity 33.1% of the people in Amarillo, TX are hispanic (65.9k people).

What percentage of Amarillo is white?


Persons 65 years and over, percent  13.8%
Female persons, percent  50.7%
Race and Hispanic Origin
White alone, percent  79.9%

Is Amarillo Texas a safe place to live?

Of the 4,473 cities to report one or more incidents of violence, Amarillo ranks No. 362 by violent crime rate, which ranks it in the top 10% most violent U.S. cities. Just as violent crime is more common in Amarillo than it is nationwide, violent crime is also more common in Texas than it is nationwide.

Is Amarillo Texas poor?

The poverty rate in Amarillo is 16.4%. One out of every 6.1 residents of Amarillo lives in poverty. How many people in Amarillo, Texas live in poverty? 32,138 of 195,653 Amarillo residents reported income levels below the poverty line in the last year.

Are there black people in Amarillo?

Amarillo Demographics White: 82.15% Black or African American: 6.60% Asian: 4.27% Two or more races: 3.33%

What is Amarillo known for?

Amarillo is a popular stop along Route 66 in Texas and is particularly famous for its delicious steak challenge at the The Big Texan Steak Ranch. The city is also home to many well-known theatres and art shows, as well as the popular space museum, the Don Harrington Discovery Center and the Space Theater.

What is the murder rate in Amarillo?

5.97 per 100,000 population
The Amarillo TX murder/homicide rate for 2018 was 5.97 per 100,000 population, a 25% decline from 2017. The Amarillo TX murder/homicide rate for 2017 was 7.96 per 100,000 population, a 44.73% increase from 2016.

What kind of people live in Amarillo Texas?

Population by Race

Race Population Percentage
White 163,433 82.15%
Black or African American 13,126 6.60%
Asian 8,499 4.27%
Two or More Races 6,620 3.33%

Is Amarillo a desert?

Amarillo is in the center of the Texas Panhandle, a 26-county area that is bordered by New Mexico and Oklahoma. Here, the southern plains meet the desert. Founded in 1887 at the intersection of two railroads, today the city is the intersection of Interstates 40 and 27.

Does it snow in Amarillo TX?

Amarillo averages 17.9 inches of snow annually.

Why is Amarillo Texas called Bomb City?

WADE GOODWYN, BYLINE: The movie “Bomb City” gets its name from the nearby Pantex nuclear weapons assembly plant and also because the cultural conflict between two groups of Amarillo teenagers – the preps and the punks – explodes on the screen.

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