What is the zip code for Madison County Ohio?

What is the zip code for Madison County Ohio?

Zip Code List County – Madison County, Ohio

Zip Code City County
43140 Summerford Madison County
43140 London Madison County
43143 Mount Sterling Madison County
43151 Sedalia Madison County

What is the wealthiest zip code in Ohio?

10 Richest Ohio Zip Codes

Rank Zip Code Mean Income
1 45174 $239,151
2 44040 $237,052
3 44022 $215,915
4 45243 $198,971

How many zip codes are in Madison?

Madison, WI Covers 32 ZIP Codes

ZIP Code Type Area Code(s)
53702 Unique 608
53703 Standard 608
53704 Standard 608
53705 Standard 608

What is the zip code for Ohio County?

OHIO County, KY Covers 12 ZIP Codes

ZIP Code Classification Area Code(s)
42338 General 270/364
42343 General 270/364
42347 General 270/364
42349 General 270/364

Where do the wealthy live in Ohio?

Upper Arlington is one of the richest cities in Ohio with a median household income of about $123,548 per year. The city has a population of about 35,299 (2019) residents and residents here enjoy excellent public schools and a strong sense of community.

What is the wealthiest county in Ohio?

Ohio counties ranked by per capita income

County Per capita income
1 Delaware $42,069
2 Geauga $32,735
3 Warren $31,935
4 Medina $29,986

What is Madison AL ZIP code?

Madison/Zip codes

Do all Ohio ZIP codes start with 4?

These numbers are assigned from 0-9 spreading East to West. The 4 was assigned to Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan and Indiana. All Maine zip codes start with 0. All California zip codes start with 9.

How many zip codes are there in Ohio?

Ohio has a total of 1197 active zip codes.

What city in Ohio has the most millionaires?

This is the City in Ohio With the Most Billionaires

City with the most billionaires: Number of billionaires: Total billionaire net worth:
Ohio: Cleveland 3 $3.3 billion
Oklahoma: Oklahoma City 3 $23.2 billion
Oregon: Hillsboro 1 $51.6 billion
Pennsylvania: Philadelphia 3 $10.6 billion

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