What is the correct portion size for mashed potatoes?

What is the correct portion size for mashed potatoes?

The United States Department of Agriculture considers that a serving of mashed potatoes is 1 cup, which equals 210 grams (g) or almost half a pound (0.46 pounds). But don’t let anyone dictate(r) to you the size of a mashed potato serving. If you want to eat 2 cups, or even 3, it’s your decision.

How do you make perfect mashed potatoes?


  1. Place the potatoes into a large pot, and cover with salted water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer until tender, 20 to 25 minutes.
  2. Mash the potatoes with a potato masher twice around the pot, then add the butter and milk. Continue to mash until smooth and fluffy.

What kind of potatoes are the best for mashed?

Choose higher starch potatoes like Russets or Yukon Golds for the fluffiest, smoothest and most flavor-packed mash. Russet varieties mash up light and fluffy, while yellow-fleshed potatoes like Yukon Gold have a naturally buttery flavor and creamy, dense consistency.

How much is a portion of potatoes?

Potatoes. 5 to 6 ounces per person (about 165 grams), for either mashed or whole new potatoes.

How much is a portion of mashed potatoes UK?

boiled and mashed potatoes: Raw, 120g to 170g.

How long do you boil 5 lbs of potatoes?

Season with a teaspoon of salt per pound of potatoes. Bring water to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat to medium and cook at rapid simmer until potatoes are easily pierced with a paring knife, about 10 minutes for chopped potatoes and 20 minutes for whole potatoes.

Do you peel potatoes before boiling for mashed potatoes?

Many chefs recommend removing the skin before you mash potatoes, producing a fluffier, creamy mash. But skin-on recipes do exist, and aficionados prefer the more rustic result.

Are yellow potatoes good for mashed potatoes?

Their flesh will soak up copious amounts of melted butter and cream, making them a good choice. Yellow potatoes, such as the Yukon Gold variety, have a dense texture that many chefs prize for making mashed potatoes. They aren’t as starchy as russets, but will produce a creamy finished product.

Are KFC mashed potatoes real or instant?

KFC mashed potatoes are hot and creamy that goes perfectly with their signature gravy. Not only do they taste delicious but they taste fresh and real too. Unfortunately, they use powdered potatoes or instant mashed potatoes instead of real and fresh potatoes in their dish.

Can you substitute heavy cream for milk in mashed potatoes?

The best substitute for milk in mashed potatoes is heavy cream. Add a quarter of the required milk volume as heavy cream. Melted butter, stock, and sour cream are all excellent substitutes too. Vegan substitutes include almond milk, coconut milk, and vegetable stock.

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