What is the classification for the California sea lion?

What is the classification for the California sea lion?

Sea lionsCalifornia sea lion / GenusZalophus is a genus of the family Otariidae of the order Carnivora. Wikipedia

Is a California sea lion a mammal?

California sea lions are among the most gregarious marine mammals, forming dense aggregations of a thousand or more animals on land. They also may travel, socialize or rest at the surface in groups of ten or more near haul out areas.

What are the characteristics of California sea lion?

California sea lions have broad front flippers and long, narrow snouts. Subadult and adult males have pronounced forehead crests crowned with tufts of blonde or lighter hair. California sea lions have visible ear flaps, and three to five claws on their hind flippers.

Is a California sea lion a pinniped?

The word “pinniped” means fin- or flipper-footed and refers to the marine mammals that have front and rear flippers. This group includes seals, sea lions and walruses — animals that live in the ocean but are able to come on land for long periods of time.

What is a group of sea lions called?

Sea lions congregate in gregarious groups called herds or rafts that can reach upwards of 1,500 individuals. It’s common for scores of them to haul out together and loll about in the sand, comprising an amorphous pile in the noonday sun.

Which pinnipeds are classified as endangered species?

Approximately one-fifth of pinniped species and sub-species are considered EN (endangered). Two species, the Caribbean monk seal and the Japanese sea lion, were hunted to extinction.

What type of animal is a sea lion?

marine mammals
Seals and sea lions are marine mammals called ‘pinnipeds’ that differ in physical characteristics and adaptations. Sea lions (left) are brown, bark loudly, “walk” on land using their large flippers and have visible ear flaps. Seals have small flippers, wriggle on their bellies on land, and lack visible ear flaps.

How many species of sea lions are there?

There are five species of sea lion—the California sea lion, Steller sea lion, Southern sea lion, Australian sea lion, and Hooker’s sea lion.

What are the personality traits of a sea lion?

Sea lions are loud, boisterous, and inquisitive animals. These characteristics make them a highly interesting and charming species to humans.

How do sea lions differ from other pinnipeds?

Seals and sea lions are marine mammals called ‘pinnipeds’ that differ in physical characteristics and adaptations. Sea lions (left) are brown, bark loudly, “walk” on land using their large flippers and have visible ear flaps. Seals have small flippers, wriggle on their bellies on land, and lack visible ear flaps.

Is California sea lion Otariid?

As a member of the otariid or “walking seal” family, California sea lions have large flippers that they use to walk on land. Another distinctive physical characteristic is their external ear flaps.

Can seals and sea lions interbreed?

Unlike whales, seals and sea lions have not developed the ability to mate and give birth in the sea.

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