What is the big event in WALL-E?

What is the big event in WALL-E?

Inciting Event: Immediately after Wall-E discovers the first plant he’s ever seen on the trash-ridden Earth he’s tasked with cleaning up, a spaceship lands and the beautiful robot Eve emerges.

What does the cockroach symbolize in WALL-E?

(1) wall-e means the robot was living in the earth; (2) cockroach means the wall-e’s friend; (3) seedling means the living plant; (4) axiom mean the spacecraft name; (5) obbese passangers means the passangers who are living in the spacecraft; (6) auto means the pilot assistant in the spacecraft; (7) BNL (buy n large) …

What is the best scene in WALL-E?

When Wall-E meets Eve, it is love at first sight, and the two travel through the desolate earth together.

  1. 1 Sad: Eve Saves Wall-E.
  2. 2 Funny: Wall-E And The Fire Extinguisher.
  3. 3 Sad: What Humans Have Become.
  4. 4 Funny: Wall-E In Space.
  5. 5 Sad: Eve Shuts Down.
  6. 6 Funny: Wall-E Meets Eve.
  7. 7 Sad: Wall-E Is All Alone.

What is EVE’s directive?

Elissa Knight as EVE (Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator: Earth-Class; which WALL-E and M-O pronounce Eva), a sleek probe robot whose directive is to verify that planets can have human habitability; she provides plant life as evidence specimens. She has a glossy white egg-shaped body and blue LED eyes.

What does WALL-E symbolize in WALL-E?

The entire human population is evacuated by Buy-N-Large on the giant spaceship Axion, leaving behind W.A.L.L-E (stand for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-class) robots that are in charge of cleaning up the Earth surface.

What does the lighter in WALL-E symbolize?

This motif is one of the film’s more subtle elements: A BNL zippo lighter, one of many collected by WALL-E, symbolizing both Earth and the human intimacy that can only exist there.

Why does Eve shut down?

No matter how many times EVE places WALL•E back in the lifepod, WALL•E persistently wants to remain with her. Just then, they hear someone coming in their direction, forcing EVE to shut down the lifepod.

What is the inciting event in WALL E?

Wall-E. Inciting Event: Immediately after Wall-E discovers the first plant he’s ever seen on the trash-ridden Earth he’s tasked with cleaning up, a spaceship lands and the beautiful robot Eve emerges. Up this moment, nearly twelve minutes into the film, the entirety of the story has been set-up that introduces Wall-E and his world.

What is the opening scene of WALL E about?

WALL-E starts the movie all by his lonesome picking up garbage, and if you pay close attention during this opening sequence, then you may notice a heartbreaking detail about how this world’s humans didn’t try to stop the apocalypse until it was too late.

What happened to WALL-E in the new WALL E movie?

Arriving back on Earth, EVE repairs WALL-E, but finds that his memory has been reset and his personality is gone. Heartbroken, EVE gives WALL-E a farewell kiss, which sparks his memory and restores his original personality.

What does WALL E do when he first meets Eve?

When Wall-E meets Eve, it is love at first sight, and the two travel through the desolate earth together. When we first meet Wall-E, he is at work, collecting trash and compacting it into tight blocks using the technology in what could be considered his stomach region.

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