What is Nordzucker Sugar Company?

What is Nordzucker Sugar Company?

THE sugar company Welcome to Nordzucker – one of the world’s leading producers of sugar from beet and cane. We are proud to provide the world with our natural product that is produced in harmony with nature and under high social and quality standards.

What does Nordzucker do to promote sustainability?

Sustainability is a top priority for Nordzucker. As a food producer, sustainable thinking and acting are a natural part of our daily business. Environmental and social considerations are major factors in our decision-making. Here you can find selected Nordzucker publications for download.

What happened at the annual general meeting of Nordzucker AG?

Joint Annual General Meeting of Nordzucker AG and Nordzucker Holding AG confirms corporate course; high level of approval on all issues – dividend agreed Supervisory […] Significant profits after two years of losses – Corona pandemic without material impact on earnings – Start signal for sustainability and excellence.

Where is the Chełmża sugar factory located?

The historic roots of the Chełmża sugar factory located near Toruń stretch back to the end of the 19th century, when the factory was founded. The first sugar beet campaign took place there in 1882.


What is the difference between SweetFamily and Nordzucker?

SweetFamily is distributed in Germany, Poland and Slovakia, whereas Dansukker is distributed in Scandinavia and the Baltic states. Besides sugar, Nordzucker produces other products from sugar beet such as animal feed and molasses. In addition to that, the company markets carbolime as a fertilizer, which is a byproduct of sugar production.

Where are the Nordzucker plants located?

The Nordzucker plants are primarily located in Germany and Eastern and Northern Europe as well as Australia.

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