What is anti-school subcultures in sociology?

What is anti-school subcultures in sociology?

The anti-school subculture, (sometimes called the counter school culture), consist of groups of students who rebel against the school for various reasons, and develop and alternative set of delinquent values, attitudes and behaviours in opposition to the academic aims, ethos and rules of a school.

What are the three main characteristics of an anti-school subculture?

What are the three main characteristics of an anti-school subculture? Non-conformity to school rules, negative attitude towards teachers, lower educational achievement.

Why do some pupils form anti-school subcultures?

The way teachers treat pupils causes pupils to form a subculture. This may be because they are labelled by teachers in the classroom. Labelling means attaching a definition such as bright or high achiever. This labelling may be due to external factors such as possessing elaborated language code.

What are the examples of subcultures in school?

Examples of high school subcultures are:

  • ABC: American Born Chinese-takes secondary pride in their heritage.
  • Advanced Placement students.
  • Alternative: students bent on avoiding the mainstream.
  • Artsy students: those interested in photography, drawing, fashion, etc.

Why do students join subcultures?

A pupil subculture is a group of pupils who share similar values and behaviour patterns. Pupil subcultures often emerge from as a response to the way pupils have been labelled and in particular as a reaction to streaming. Research shows that pupils respond to negative labelling and racism in different ways.

What are laddish subcultures?

Lad culture (also laddish culture and laddism) was a media-driven, principally British and Irish subculture of the 1990s and early 2000s. The image of the “lad”—or “new lad”—was that of a generally middle class figure espousing attitudes typically attributed to the working classes.

What is a subculture in sociology?

Subcultures are social groups, or groups of individuals who share similar lifestyles, belief systems, or other commonalities. Some subcultural groups have dress codes, whereas others do not.

What is pupil subcultures sociology?

Pupil subcultures are groups of students who share some values, norms and behaviour, which give them a sense of identify, and provide them with status through peer-group affirmation.

What is a subculture sociology?

Are college students a subculture?

College students are the main body of campus subculture and their ideas are constantly changing with the increase of their knowledge. And they are apt to be affected by other ideas from all aspects of the society. As a dynamic culture, the campus subculture is of strong instability and plasticity.

Is being a college student a subculture?

What is the anti-school subculture?

The anti-school subculture, (sometimes called the counter school culture), consist of groups of students who rebel against the school for various reasons, and develop and alternative set of delinquent values, attitudes and behaviours in opposition to the academic aims, ethos and rules of a school.

What is a subculture in a level sociology?

A level sociology revision – education, families, research methods, crime and deviance and more! Pupil subcultures are groups of students who share some values, norms and behaviour, which give them a sense of identify, and provide them with status through peer-group affirmation.

What are the different types of student subcultures?

Pupil subcultures take a variety of forms, ranging from pro-school to anti-school subcultures, with a variety of other responses in-between.

What are pro-school subcultures?

Pro-school subcultures are those which accept the values and ethos of the school and willingly conform to its rules. They tend to be those students in higher sets who aspire to high academic achievement and are prepared to work hard, and work ‘with the teachers’ to achieve these goals.

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