What is a VSD in the heart?

What is a VSD in the heart?

A ventricular septal defect (pronounced ven·tric·u·lar sep·tal de·fect) (VSD) is a birth defect of the heart in which there is a hole in the wall (septum) that separates the two lower chambers (ventricles) of the heart.

What is the cause of VSD?

The most common cause of a VSD is a congenital heart defect, which is a defect from birth. Some people are born with holes already present in their heart. They may cause no symptoms and take years to diagnose. A rare cause of a VSD is severe blunt trauma to the chest.

What are the 4 types of VSD?

There are four basic types of VSD:

  • Membranous VSD. An opening in a particular area of the upper section of the ventricular septum (an area called the membranous septum), near the valves.
  • Muscular VSD.
  • Atrioventricular canal type VSD.
  • Conal septal VSD.

Is VSD a serious heart condition?

In adults, VSDs can be rare, but serious, complication of heart attacks. These holes do not result from a birth defect.

What is VSD surgery?

Ventricular septal defect (VSD) surgery is a type of heart surgery. It’s done to correct a hole between the left and right ventricles of the heart.

Is VSD genetic?

Ventricular septal defects may run in families and sometimes may occur with other genetic problems, such as Down syndrome. If you already have a child with a heart defect, a genetic counselor can discuss the risk of your next child having one.

What is the most common VSD?

Perimembranous ventricular septal defects (VSDs) are located in the left ventricle outflow tract beneath the aortic valve. They are the most common VSD subtype in the United States, occurring in 75-80% of cases.

How is a VSD repaired?

VSD transcatheter repair uses a flexible tube called a catheter. This tube contains a small device, often shaped like an umbrella. The healthcare provider threads the tube through a blood vessel in the groin and into the heart, next to the wall between the ventricles.

How does VSD cause death?

If a moderate or large ventricular septal defect is not treated, the result may be irreversible damage to the blood vessels of the lungs. It can even cause blood flow to reverse so that poorly oxygenated (blue) blood goes directly to the body (Eisenmenger Syndrome).

Is VSD curable?

In most cases, the surgery will permanently cure the VSD. No activity restrictions will be needed. After the procedure in the hospital, you can generally expect the following: Your child may spend several hours in a recovery room.

What size of VSD is large?

Large (6-10 mm in diameter): These VSDs often require surgery (the timing of the surgery can vary slightly). Repair of a large VSD before age 2 can prevent damage to the heart and lungs.

What type of murmur is VSD?

A ventricular septal defect (VSD) is an opening in the interventricular septum, causing a shunt between ventricles. Large defects result in a significant left-to-right shunt and cause dyspnea with feeding and poor growth during infancy. A loud, harsh, holosystolic murmur at the lower left sternal border is common.

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