What is a revisionist interpretation?

What is a revisionist interpretation?

If you describe a person or their views as revisionist, you mean that they reject traditionally held beliefs about a particular historical event or events. [formal] …the revisionist interpretation of the French Revolution.

What is a revisionist theory?

The term revisionism has been used in a number of contexts to refer to different revisions (or claimed revisions) of Marxist theory. Those who opposed Karl Marx’s revolution through his lens of a violent uprising and sought out more peaceful, electoral means for a socialist revolution are known as revisionists.

What is revisionism and why is it important?

As the name implies, historical revisionism consists of revisiting the sources of a historical record or period with a different perspective or new data that could alter how we see it. This way of revisiting history has both positive and negative aspects.

What is revisionist narrative?

The revisionist narrative is a sub-genre of postmodernist literature, in which established narratives are re-written from a perspective for which they did not account.

What is revisionism literature?

In analysis of works of fiction, revisionism denotes the retelling of a conventional or established narrative with significant variations which deliberately “revise” the view shown in the original work.

What is revisionist casting?

A revisionism represents the retelling of a conventional storyline or narrative with significant variations from the original fiction work such that the storyteller or filmmaker deliberately revised the view of the original work.

Is Revisionistic a word?

Exhibiting revisionism; changing some accepted doctrine or view of history.

What is revisionist storytelling?

Abstract: The revisionist narrative is a sub-genre of postmodernist literature, in which established narratives are re-written from a perspective for which they did not account.

What is the meaning of revisionist?

any advocate of doctrines, theories, or practices that depart from established authority or doctrine. of or relating to revisionists or revisionism. attempting to reevaluate and restate the past based on newly acquired standards.

What is reviser?

an advocate of revision, especially of some political or religious doctrine. a reviser.

What is reversion to reformism?

A recurrent tendency within the Communist movement to revise Marxist theory in such a way as to provide justification for a retreat from the revolutionary to the reformist position. re·vi′sion·ist adj. & n.

Who was the revolutionary revisionist?

In the third point, M. Sorel “the revolutionary revisionist ,” comes very close to M. Bernstein, “the evolutionary revisionist .” It was at Dresden, 1903, that the revisionist tempest reached its height in the party teapot.

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