What is a First branchial cleft cyst?

What is a First branchial cleft cyst?

First branchial cleft cysts develop as a result of the incomplete fusion of the cleft between the first and second branchial arches (see branchial apparatus). There may be a sinus with drainage to the external ear or skin. They typically occur within or close to the parotid gland or external auditory canal.

Is branchial cleft cyst serious?

In most cases, a branchial cleft cyst isn’t dangerous. However, the cyst can drain and cause skin irritation. Cysts can also become infected, causing difficulty with swallowing and breathing. Cancerous tumors may develop at the site of a branchial cleft in adults, but this is very rare.

Do branchial cleft cyst need to be removed?

Infected branchial cleft cysts or sinuses require antibiotic treatment. If there are persistent problems with drainage or infection, these cysts should be surgically removed. Most branchial cleft remnants require no treatment. If surgery is required, results are usually good.

What causes branchial cleft cysts?

A branchial cleft cyst is a birth defect. It is caused when fluid fills a space, or sinus, left in the neck when a baby develops in the womb. After the baby is born, it appears as a lump in the neck or just below the jawbone.

Can a branchial cleft cyst be cancerous?

Purpose: Branchial cleft cysts are among the most common causes for a congenital neck mass. Branchial cleft cyst carcinoma (BCCC) is a type of cancer that arises from cells within these cysts. Despite the distinct criteria that have been reported for its diagnosis, BCCC remains a controversial entity.

Can a branchial cleft cyst burst?

Spontaneous rupture of an abscessed branchial cleft cyst may result in a purulent draining sinus to the skin or the pharynx. Depending on the size and the anatomical extension of the mass, local symptoms, such as dysphagia, dysphonia, dyspnea, and stridor, may occur.

How do you treat a cyst on your face?


  1. Draining the cyst. The doctor cuts the cyst and pushes out the gunk inside.
  2. Injecting medicine into the cyst to reduce swelling if it’s tender, swollen or growing,
  3. Removing it by minor surgery to take out the entire cyst wall. This usually keeps them from coming back.
  4. Laser removal.

What causes a cyst on your face?

A sebaceous cyst is found on the face, neck, or torso. It’s usually caused by trauma or damage to the sebaceous glands, such as from cuts or surgical wounds. A large cyst may cause pressure and pain. It’s noncancerous and very slow growing.

How do you get rid of a cyst on your face?

Options include:

  1. Draining the cyst. The doctor cuts the cyst and pushes out the gunk inside.
  2. Injecting medicine into the cyst to reduce swelling if it’s tender, swollen or growing,
  3. Removing it by minor surgery to take out the entire cyst wall. This usually keeps them from coming back.
  4. Laser removal.

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