What filtration do you need for a saltwater tank?

What filtration do you need for a saltwater tank?

A biological aquarium filter is the most important method of filtration you can have in a saltwater tank. It is literally a living thing! Although the filter becomes a home for bacteria, it is good bacteria known as nitrifying bacteria.

Does a reef tank need filtration?

Biological filtration is perhaps the most important filtration during the start of the aquarium. Waste produced by fish and corals first breaks down in to ammonia; which is very toxic and can kill your tank inhabitants quickly.

Do saltwater tanks need a special filter?

Filters and Filtration Gallon for gallon, saltwater aquariums require more filtration than freshwater aquariums. For the most part, saltwater critters need better water quality than freshwater critters.

Can you use any filter in a saltwater tank?

Filtration. The original filtration can be used in the new saltwater aquarium as well. Later on in time, especially if live rock and more animals are added, a change in filter type might be justified. In this case a trickle filter or a protein skimmer can be added.

How many saltwater fish can I put in a gallon?

While many variables affect that answer, a general rule is to stock no more than ½ an inch of fully grown fish per gallon of water in your aquarium. For example, if you have a 30-gallon aquarium, ideally stock no more than 15 total inches of fully grown fish.

Can I use a hob filter for saltwater?

A Hang-On-Back (HOB) or Power Filter can be used on smaller saltwater aquariums with Live Rock & a Protein Skimmer to provide the 3 means of filtration required for a healthy reef tank.

Can I use a regular filter for saltwater?

Can you run a saltwater tank with a HOB filter?

A Hang-On-Back (HOB) or Power Filter can be used on smaller saltwater aquariums with Live Rock & a Protein Skimmer to provide the 3 means of filtration required for a healthy reef tank. HOB filters are mainly used for housing chemical filter media.

Does a saltwater aquarium need a protein skimmer?

No, you don’t necessarily need a protein skimmer. Unless you are keeping a nano reef tank, a protein skimmer is completely optional. If your tank has another method of filtering its water, you don’t need a protein skimmer.

Is a protein skimmer better than a filter?

A protein skimmer serves a function similar to that of a filter, with one added bonus: A skimmer removes waste before it breaks down into harmful toxins. You may not need a filter if you have a functioning protein skimmer, but it may be wise to consider alternative filtration depending on your aquarium’s needs.

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