What does the word Misallocate mean?

What does the word Misallocate mean?

transitive verb. : to allocate (something, such as money or resources) poorly or improperly allegedly misallocated company funds Top managers misallocate resources, overpay themselves, and ignore other, possibly better ways of motivating employees—all because giving out options is “free.”— Justin Fox.

Is Misallocate a word?

verb (used with object), mis·al·lo·cat·ed, mis·al·lo·cat·ing. to allocate mistakenly or improperly: to misallocate resources.

What does misallocated resources mean?

Resource misallocation denotes a situation in which capital and labor are poorly distributed so that less productive firms receive a larger share of capital and labor than they should according to their level of productivity.

What is the similar meaning of disconsolately?

inconsolable, bad, black, blue, cheerless, cold, comfortless, crestfallen, crushed, dark, dejected, desolate, despairing, destroyed, dispirited, distressed, doleful, down, downcast, downhearted.

How do you pronounce disconsolately?

  1. Phonetic spelling of disconsolately. dis-con-sol-ately. dis-con-so-late-ly. dis-con-so-lately. dis-kon-suh-lit.
  2. Meanings for disconsolately.
  3. Translations of disconsolately. Spanish : desconsolado.

How do you spell misallocated?

What is the meaning of misallocation?

transitive verb. : to allocate (something, such as money or resources) poorly or improperly allegedly misallocated company funds Top managers misallocate resources, overpay themselves, and ignore other, possibly better ways of motivating employees—all because giving out options is “free.”— Justin Fox.

What is the synonym of beautiful?

RELATED WORDS AND SYNONYMS FOR BEAUTIFUL. attractive. adjective appealing, drawing attention. awesome. becoming. bewitching. cute. adjective perky, attractive.

What are 5 adjectives that mean beautiful?

WORDS RELATED TO BEAUTIFUL. 1 attractive. adjectiveappealing, drawing attention. adorable. agreeable. alluring. beautiful. beckoning. bewitching. captivating. charming. comely. 2 awesome. 3 becoming. 4 bewitching. 5 cute. adjectiveperky, attractive. adorable. beautiful. charming. dainty. delightful. pleasant. pretty.

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