What does the poem tell us about the landlady and the speaker in telephone conversation?

What does the poem tell us about the landlady and the speaker in telephone conversation?

The poem describes a phone call between a landlady and the speaker, who is black, about renting an apartment. The landlady is pleasant until she learns that the speaker is “African,” at which point she demands to know how “light” or “dark” the speaker’s skin is.

What is the theme of the poem telephone conversation Brainly?

Answer. racism is the theme in this poem.

What are the themes of literature?

6 Common Themes in Literature

  • Good vs. evil.
  • Love.
  • Redemption.
  • Courage and perseverance.
  • Coming of age.
  • Revenge.

How do you know the main idea of a story?

It is easy to identify a main idea that is directly expressed in the text. Main ideas are often found at the beginning of paragraphs. The first sentence often explains the subject being discussed in the passage. Main ideas are also found in the concluding sentences of a paragraph.

What is poverty literature?

If a family’s total income is less than the family’s threshold, then that family and every individual in it is considered in poverty. In the past, poverty was usually defined as not having adequate financial resources and no disposable income.

Is poverty a theme in literature?

Poverty itself is rarely the main theme of a literary work. Instead, it is usually a subtheme which arises from the fact that the main character or group in the work is poor….

Whats does theme mean?

1a : a subject or topic of discourse or of artistic representation guilt and punishment is the theme of the story. b : a specific and distinctive quality, characteristic, or concern the campaign has lacked a theme. 2 : a melodic subject of a musical composition or movement.

What is the purpose of 21st century literature?

What is the purpose of 21st century literature? It helps develop students’ critical thinking skills in the quest for the ubiquitous 21st century competencies. It helps students gain a better understanding of the societies which produce the literature to foster greater empathy for others….

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