What does servile mean?

What does servile mean?

cravenly submissive
Definition of servile 1 : of or befitting a menial position. 2 : meanly or cravenly submissive : abject.

What does servile person mean?

Servile, menial, obsequious, slavish characterize one who behaves like a slave or an inferior. Servile suggests cringing, fawning, and abject submission: servile responses to questions. Menial applies to that which is considered undesirable drudgery: the most menial tasks.

What subservience means?

1 : useful in an inferior capacity : subordinate. 2 : serving to promote some end. 3 : obsequiously submissive : truckling.

What is an example of servile?

The definition of servile is someone who is submissive and who is extremely willing to act to please others. An example of someone who would be described as servile is a person who just does everything others tell her to without question.

What is the synonym of servile?

Some common synonyms of servile are obsequious, slavish, and subservient. While all these words mean “showing or characterized by extreme compliance or abject obedience,” servile suggests the mean or fawning behavior of a slave.

What is the synonym of Calumniate?

Some common synonyms of calumniate are asperse, defame, malign, slander, traduce, and vilify. While all these words mean “to injure by speaking ill of,” calumniate imputes malice to the speaker and falsity to the assertions.

What is a servile attitude?

adjective. If you say that someone is servile, you disapprove of them because they are too eager to obey someone or do things for them. [formal, disapproval] He was subservient and servile. Synonyms: subservient, cringing, grovelling, mean More Synonyms of servile.

What does subservient woman mean?

adjective. If you are subservient, you do whatever someone wants you to do. Her willingness to be subservient to her children isolated her. Synonyms: servile, submissive, deferential, subject More Synonyms of subservient.

What is a good sentence for servile?

1 He is servile to his boss. 2 He was subservient and servile. 3 I don’t like his servile manner. 4 An honest judge cannot be servile to public opinion.

What is an antonym for countenance?

Antonyms for countenance. disapprove (of), discountenance, disfavor, frown (on or upon)

What is a synonym and antonym for tirade?

In this page you can discover 26 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for tirade, like: diatribe, anger, berating, outburst, billingsgate, calm, ranting, harangue, dispute, castigation and fulmination.

How is the word servile distinct from other similar adjectives?

How is the word servile distinct from other similar adjectives? Some common synonyms of servile are obsequious, slavish, and subservient. While all these words mean “showing or characterized by extreme compliance or abject obedience,” servile suggests the mean or fawning behavior of a slave.

What is the difference between servile and subservient?

In some situations, the words subservient and servile are roughly equivalent. However, subservient implies the cringing manner of one very conscious of a subordinate position. Get Word of the Day delivered to your inbox!

What is the difference between servile and obsequious?

While all these words mean “showing or characterized by extreme compliance or abject obedience,” servile suggests the mean or fawning behavior of a slave. When might obsequious be a better fit than servile?

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