What does industrial relations deal with?

What does industrial relations deal with?

Industrial relations or employment relations is the multidisciplinary academic field that studies the employment relationship; that is, the complex interrelations between employers and employees, labor/trade unions, employer organizations and the state.

What do you mean by industrial relations?

In a broad sense, the term Industrial Relations includes the relationship between the various unions, between the state and the unions as well as those between the various employers and the government. Relations of all those associated in an industry may be called Industrial Relations.

What are the rights of an employee in Trinidad?

Workers’ rights are protected by law in Trinidad and Tobago. Some of these rights include minimum wage, hours of work, payment of overtime rates, meal and rest breaks, vacation leave, sick leave, and maternity benefits.

What is the Industrial Relations Act of Trinidad and Tobago?

The principal role of the Court is to settle unresolved disputes and other matters which arise between employers and trade unions representing the workers employed by the employers under: The Industrial Relations Act Chapter 88:01. The Retrenchment and Severance Benefits Act Chapter 88:13.

What are the main theories of industrial relations?

The three most prevalent theories of industrial relations which exist are The Unitarist theory, The Pluralist theory and The Marxist theory.

What is the role of employer in IR?

Employers are responsible for providing a favourable work environment for the employees. They have many rights and powers like laying off inefficient employees, taking strategic decisions such as mergers, acquisition or shutdown of the organization and adapting technological changes in the operations.

What is illegal industrial action?

Illegal Strikes Section 24 of the Industrial dispute Act, 1947 provides that strikes which are in non-compliance to section 22 and section 23 are illegal. A strike or a lockout shall be illegal if, It is commenced or declared in contravention of section 22 or section 23; or.

Can a permanent employee be terminated without notice?

The employer need not give notice if misconduct is the cause for termination. However, the employee, in such circumstances, should have an opportunity to reasonably explain the charge against them prior to termination.

What are the rights of private employees?

An employee has the right to paid public holidays and leaves such as casual leave, sick leave, privilege leave and other leaves. For every 240 days of work, an employee is entitled to 12 days of annual leave. An adult worker may avail one earned leave every 20 days whereas its 15 days for a young worker.

What are the three approaches to industrial relations?

The three popular approaches to industrial relations are the unitary approach, pluralistic approach and marxist approach.

What is Marxist approach of industrial relation?

Marxists argue that industrial relation is a relation of clashes of class interest between capital and labour. Employer (capital) tries to maximize profit by holding surplus value and underpaying workers remuneration.

Definition of industrial relations.: the dealings or relationships of a usually large business or industrial enterprise with its own workers, with labor in general, with governmental agencies, or with the public.

What are the objectives of the Code of Industrial Relations?

The object of the Code is to realize industrial peace and harmony as the ultimate pursuit in resolving industrial disputes and to advance the progress of industry by bringing about the existence of harmony and cordial relationship between the employers and workers.

What is the Industrial Relations Code 2020?

The Industrial Relations Code, 2020 provides a broader framework to protect the rights of workers to make unions, to reduce the friction between the employers, and workers and to provide regulations for settlement of industrial disputes.

When will the draft industrial relation (central) rules come into force?

The Central Government has notified the Draft Industrial Relation (Central) Rules, 2020. It shall come into force after the date of their final publication in the Official Gazette, on the date of the commencement of the Industrial Relations Code. The Draft Rules when becomes effective will subsume the following Rules:

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