What defines Art Nouveau?

What defines Art Nouveau?

Art Nouveau, ornamental style of art that flourished between about 1890 and 1910 throughout Europe and the United States. Art Nouveau is characterized by its use of a long, sinuous, organic line and was employed most often in architecture, interior design, jewelry and glass design, posters, and illustration.

Why is it called Art Nouveau?

The term Art Nouveau first appeared in the Belgian journal L’Art Moderne in 1884, referring to a group of reform-minded sculptors, designers and painters called Les XX (or Les Vingts), whose founder members included James Ensor (1860-1949) and Théo van Rysselberghe (1862-1926).

Who influenced Art Nouveau?

Closely correlated to Post-Impressionism and Symbolism, Art Nouveau was also greatly influenced by the penchant for Japanese art which spread among European artists in the 1880s and 1890s, in particular for wood-block prints by artists like Hokusai.

What were the influences of Art Nouveau?

Most of the art nouveau designs are influenced by exotic fauna and flora such as butterflies, dragonflies, insects, reptiles, orchids, tulips, water lilies, irises, etc. Designs often took the form of flower buds, stalks, vine tendrils, insect wings, and other delicate and sinuous natural objects.

How did Art Nouveau get its name?

¿Qué son las artes decorativas?

Las Artes Decorativas constituyen una tipología de Bienes Culturales caracterizada por la sutil armonía de estética y función, capricho y utilidad.

¿Cuál es la importancia del color en la artesanía?

El color sobresale en todas sus creaciones y se convierte en el detonante que resalta el potencial del material con el que trabaja. Su particular estilo lúdico la lleva a combinar su artesanía con la música, el dibujo y a jugar con objetos ordinarios hasta convertirlos en arte fresco y divertido.

¿Cuáles son las actividades del grupo de artes decorativas?

Desde 2011 el Grupo de Artes Decorativas llevó a cabo distintas iniciativas como organización de cursos, publicaciones, presentación de libros, etc.

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