What are the three main types of outlines?

What are the three main types of outlines?

Learning Objectives. Define three types of outlines: working outline, full-sentence outline, and speaking outline.

What is text outline?

An outline is the exterior border around each character of your text or WordArt. When you change the outline of text, you can also adjust the color, weight, and style of the line. An effect adds depth or emphasis to the text in WordArt or text on a slide.

What is the font effect?

When displaying pricing and information, attributes of the font you use may have very different effects on the perception of the person reading this. For example: Larger numbers or letters gain greater attention. The color used for the font (and the background) are affected by cultural meaning of colors.

What is the font used in official documents?

Using a simple font will ensure that your message is clear. Basic fonts like Arial, Cambria, Calibri, Verdana, Courier New, and Times New Roman work well. Avoid novelty fonts like Comic Sans, or fonts in script or handwriting-style.

Which of the following is a text effect?

Answer. Adding additional features for text include background color, making text as blur, changing font color, outlining the text, changing font size, changing font style, and shadowing the text.

What are the different types of font?

5 types of font and what to use them for

  • Traditional serif. North’s rebrand of Southbank Centre uses a distinctive serif that bridges the gap between authoritative and edgy.
  • Geometric sans-serif. Geometric sans-serifs are everywhere these days…
  • Chunky slab-serif.
  • Characterful script.
  • Playful stencil.

What font do hospital letters use?


What is the most popular font used?


What is standard size font?

The most common font to use is Times New Roman, in black and size 12 points. Other serif fonts (with tails) to consider that are easy to read include: Georgie, Bell MT, Goudy Old Style, Garamond. Popular sans serif (no tails) fonts include Arial, Tahoma, Century Gothic, and Lucida Sans.

What is the best font to use for professional documents?

  1. Calibri. Having replaced Times New Roman as the default Microsoft Word font, Calibri is an excellent option for a safe, universally readable sans-serif font.
  2. Cambria. This serif font is another Microsoft Word staple.
  3. Garamond.
  4. Didot.
  5. Georgia.
  6. Helvetica.
  7. Arial.
  8. Book Antiqua.

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