What are the equipment used in laryngoscopy?

What are the equipment used in laryngoscopy?

The laryngoscope blade itself consists of 3 components: a spatula, which passes over the lingual surface of the tongue; a flange, which is used to direct or displace the tongue; and a tip, which is designed to lift the epiglottis either directly or indirectly (Fig. 7).

How do you perform a laryngoscopy?

Your doctor uses a small mirror and a light to look into your throat. The mirror is on a long handle, like the kind a dentist often uses, and it’s placed against the roof of your mouth. The doctor shines a light into your mouth to see the image in the mirror. It can be done in a doctor’s office in just 5 to 10 minutes.

What are Otorhinolaryngological devices?

Otorhinolaryngology Devices Market Overview: Otorhinolaryngology devices are the equipment used for the diagnosis and therapy of any disorder related to ear, nose, or throat.

What is fol test?

Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy is the most common examination used to view the throat and its surrounding structures. Performed endoscopically, it is performed to visualize abnormalities, biopsy tissue, or remove small growths, such as polyps, from the region.

Which laryngoscope is most commonly used?

Equipment. The most common laryngoscope blade used for intubation in adults is the curved Macintosh blade (Figure 34-4). This is inserted into the right side of the mouth to displace the tongue laterally.

How is a direct laryngoscopy inserted?


  1. One must first properly position the patient.
  2. Next, one must open the patient’s mouth by using the right hand.
  3. The laryngoscope is then inserted in the right side of the mouth, and the blade is then used to sweep the tongue to the left, then the blade is smoothly advanced to the epiglottis.

What is the basic airway Mnemonic?

The airway literature has identified numerous attributes that are likely to cause some difficulty for the clinician to adequately ventilate a patient with a BVM. Using the mnemonic “MOANS” allows providers to quickly recall potential issues so they can attempt to compensate.

What do you see in indirect laryngoscopy?

Indirect laryngoscopy uses a small mirror held at the back of your throat. The health care provider shines a light on the mirror to view the throat area. This is a simple procedure. Most of the time, it can be done in the provider’s office while you are awake.

What is the instrument used to check ears?

Overview. An otoscope is an instrument which is used to look into the ear canal. The ear speculum (a cone-shaped viewing piece of the otoscope) is slowly inserted into the ear canal while looking into the otoscope.

How do ENT check throat?

Laryngoscopy is when a doctor uses a special camera to look down the throat to see the voice box (larynx) and vocal cords. Ear, nose, and throat specialists (also called ENT doctors or otolaryngologists) do laryngoscopies.

What are the surgical instruments used in laryngoscopy?

Laryngoscopy Surgical Instruments. 1 Elevators. 2 Forceps. 3 Knives. 4 Knot Pushers. 5 Laryngeal Mirrors. 6 Laryngoscopes. 7 Needles. 8 Probes. 9 Retractors – hand held and fiberoptic. 10 Scissors.

What are the steps involved in a laryngoscopy?

There are different steps involved in a laryngoscopy procedure, which can vary depending on the type of laryngoscopy you are having. The doctor gives you a numbing agent for the back of the throat. The doctor holds a small mirror at your throat in the back. They shine the light on the mirror to look into your throat area.

How does the Doctor use a laryngoscope to perform a bronchoscopy?

The doctor will use a laryngoscope for pushing your tongue down and lifting up your epiglottis. Your epiglottis is the cartilage flap that covers your windpipe. When you breathe it opens and when you swallow, it closes.

What is the best laryngoscope for the glottis?

Dedo laryngoscope: The “workhorse” provides adequate exposure of the glottis in most patients; limited for laser surgery by absence of smoke evacuation port Ossoff-Karlan laryngoscopes: Good exposure but cannot be used in all patients because of larger size; best for laser surgery because of smoke evacuation port

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