What are the CAPS document?

What are the CAPS document?

A National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) is a single, comprehensive, and concise policy document introduced by the Department of Basic Education for all the subjects listed in the National Curriculum Statement for Grades R – 12.

What are the advantages of CAPS document?

CAPS had the advantage of enabling all learners in the country to be taught and assessed on the same content as teachers are bound to teach what is specified per subject per term. Learners moving from a school or province can carry on from where they left off.

What are the principles of caps?

Statement of Principles, Values, and Beliefs

  • Commitment to the Truth.
  • Open and Honest Communication.
  • Partnership and Collaboration.
  • Empathy and Compassion.
  • Challenging and Courageous Change Agents.
  • Diversity and Creative Tension.
  • Transformation of Anger to Action.
  • Accountability and Forgiveness.

What is the importance of assessment in the CAPS document?

The central purpose of assessment is to provide information on learner achievement and progress and set the direction for continuous teaching and learning.

What is the difference between OBE and caps?

The major distinguishing factor between CAPS and OBE is that the former is a changed curriculum (not a tutoring technique) while the latter is a teaching method (it teaches the curriculum).

How important is a curriculum to a teacher?

A good curriculum also connects teachers from across grade levels and subject areas to look at the big picture of student learning. Teachers can work together to plan a progression of topics that build off of ones that came before and connect across disciplines.

How will the CAPS document help teachers?

CAPS gives teachers detailed guidelines of what to teach and assessed on a grade –by- grade and subject-by- subject basis. The Main aim of CAPS is to lessen the administrative burden on teachers and ensure consistency and guidance for teachers when teaching.

What are the 8 types of curriculum?

What Are the 8 Types of Curriculum?

  • Written Curriculum. A written curriculum is what is formally put down in writing and documented for teaching.
  • Taught Curriculum.
  • Supported Curriculum.
  • Assessed Curriculum.
  • Recommended Curriculum.
  • Hidden Curriculum.
  • Excluded Curriculum.
  • Learned Curriculum.

Why did the government change from OBE to CAPS?

Because Caps specified content, the workload was higher compared to OBE, which depended on the teacher’s interpretation of the learning outcome. The third paper in mathematics was also compulsory for the first time, having previously been an optional paper. This may have been another factor in the lower pass rate.

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