What are Russell bodies in plasma cells?

What are Russell bodies in plasma cells?

Russell bodies are eosinophilic spherical or globular cytoplasmic inclusions that accumulate in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of mature plasma cells. These plasma cells containing Russell bodies are also known as Mott cells [1].

What are the inclusions found in Russell bodies?

Russell bodies are multiple round cytoplasmic hyaline inclusions that are frequently seen in bone marrow aspirates in myeloma. They are composed of immunoglobulin molecules within vesicular structures derived from rough endoplasmic reticulum. Plasma cells containing them are sometimes referred to as Mott cells.

Why are Russell bodies formed?

Russell bodies are thought to have originated as abnormal proteins that have not been secreted. The excess immunoglobulin builds up and forms intracytoplasmic globules, which is thought to be a result of insufficient protein transport within the cell.

What causes Mott cells?

Mott cells are associated with stress conditions occurring in a number of conditions including chronic inflammation, autoimmune diseases, lymphomas, multiple myeloma, and Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome.

What is a Dutcher body?

Dutcher body (plural Dutcher bodies) (microbiology) One of the periodic acid-Schiff reaction-positive nuclear inclusions, containing immunoglobulin, that are either invaginated into or overlying the nucleus.

Where are Mott cells found?

Mott cells can be seen in plasma cell dyscrasias and reactive plasmacytoses such as chronic inflammatory conditions, autoimmune-mediated diseases (eg, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and rheumatoid arthritis), and rare conditions like Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome and von Recklinghausen’s neurofibromatosis.

What is a flame cell Multiple Myeloma?

Flame cells are atypical plasma cells with irregular cytoplasmic projections that stain bright purple-red with Wright-Giemsa stain. They are usually associated with IgA myeloma but may be seen in non-IgA myelomas, MGUS, as well as reactive plasmacytosis.

What is Mott cell?

Mott cells are plasma cells defective in immunoglobulin (Ig) secretion. They display this defect by accumulating Ig in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, detectable by Ig+ intracellular inclusion.

Where are Mott cells seen?

When are Mott cells seen?

How Bence Jones proteins are produced?

Bence Jones proteins are present in 2/3 of multiple myeloma cases. The proteins are immunoglobulin light chains (paraproteins) and are produced by neoplastic plasma cells. They can be kappa (most of the time) or lambda. The light chains can be immunoglobulin fragments or single homogeneous immunoglobulins.

Is a Mott cell a plasma cell?

Plasma cells containing intracellular inclusions of immunoglobulin (Russell bodies) are known as Mott cells, and are found in large numbers in lymphoid organs in autoimmune mice.

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