Is there a surgical procedure for AFib?

Is there a surgical procedure for AFib?

A maze procedure can correct AFib, improving symptoms and quality of life. During the procedure, the surgeon also closes the left atrial appendage — a finger-size outpouching of the left atrium that is commonly the source of blood clots that occur from stagnant blood when a person is in AFib.

What does surgical ablation mean?

An ablation is a medical procedure that removes a layer of tissue, either by surgery or with less invasive techniques, such as laser treatment. It’s used to treat a variety of medical conditions—from nearsightedness to certain heart issues—as well as address certain cosmetic concerns, such as uneven texture.

What is the difference between ablation and maze procedure?

Catheter/Cardiac Ablation. One of the easiest ways to understand the difference between the two procedures is that catheter/cardiac ablation destroys the tissue that causes the arrhythmia. Maze surgery, on the other hand, redirects the inconsistent electrical impulses (via scar tissue) to correct the arrhythmia.

How long do you stay in the hospital after a heart ablation?

What happens during catheter ablation? A cardiologist performs catheter ablation in the hospital. You will need to stay at the hospital for six to eight hours after the procedure. Depending on your condition, you may go home that day or spend the night at the hospital.

What is the first step in treating AFib?

In patients with persistent atrial fibrillation the first step is to decide what is the most appropriate treatment options, rate or rhythm control. Rhythm control is the right option for you if you have symptoms believed to be secondary to afib, such as fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, etc.

What is the best medication for atrial fibrillation?

Traditionally, medication is the first treatment used to manage intermittent a-fib. If medication doesn’t work, doctors will try a procedure called an ablation. Wazni led a clinical trial, which found ablation is safe and more effective than the initial treatment. Researchers looked at more than 200 patients at 24 hospitals.

What is the cure for atrial fibrillation?

Treating the Causes of AFib. If problems such as high blood pressure,cholesterol,or an overactive thyroid caused your AFib,you’ll need to treat the root cause.

  • Complementary Treatments. We need more research into alternative and complementary treatments for AFib.
  • Lifestyle Changes. Change your diet — eat heart-healthy,low-salt food.
  • How to get rid of atrial fibrillation once and for all?

    Medications, shocking the heart back into rhythm, or even a procedure to potentially cure atrial fibrillation, called a catheter ablation, may be necessary. Certainly, with A-fib, an ounce of prevention is definitely worth a pound of cure!

    What are the procedures for atrial fibrillation?

    Before. Atrial fibrillation ablation is done in the hospital.

  • During. During cardiac ablation,catheters are passed through a vein in order to reach your heart.
  • After. Following your procedure,you’ll be moved to a recovery area to rest quietly to prevent bleeding from the site where the catheters were inserted into the blood vessels.
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