Is pennyroyal herb edible?

Is pennyroyal herb edible?

Pennyroyal is a traditional folk remedy, emmenagogue, abortifacient, and culinary herb, but is toxic to the liver and has caused some deaths.

How do I use pennyroyal?

Some people use it as a stimulant and to counteract weakness. Pennyroyal is applied to the skin to kill germs, keep insects away, and treat skin diseases. It is also used topically for gout, venomous bites, and mouth sores; and as a flea-killing bath. In foods, pennyroyal is used for flavoring.

Is pennyroyal the same as mint?

American Pennyroyal Plant Either variety of pennyroyal has a fresh, minty scent but American pennyroyal is not in the mint family. They are both low growing plants with slightly hairy stems but the American has a square stem. It has many branches and creeps along at only 6 inches (15 cm.) to 1 foot (31 cm.) in height.

Where is pennyroyal grown?

Pennyroyal is native to Europe, the Middle East and North Africa and is hardy in zones 6 through 9. It is related to mint, with a smell similar to spearmint. It grows in a mat and makes an excellent groundcover that will crowd out any weeds.

How much pennyroyal is safe?

Toxicology. The toxicity of pennyroyal oil is well recognized, with many documented reports of adverse events and fatalities. In humans, consumption of 10 mL of the oil has resulted in moderate to severe toxicity, with case reports of fatalities 1 to 2 hours after consumption of 15 mL.

What does pennyroyal taste like?

Pennyroyal ( Mentha pulegium ), looks like mint, smells like mint and even tastes like mint but unlike mint contains pulegone, an extremely poisonous compound that is toxic to the liver and acts as an abortificant. Pennyroyal has been used as a culinary herb for thousands of years.

Is pennyroyal an herb or perennial?

Growing pennyroyal in the herb or perennial garden will add color with its reddish purple to lilac blooms. There are two plants called pennyroyal. One is the European pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium), which is a member of the mint family.

What does pennyroyal plant smell like?

When crushed, pennyroyal’s leaves emit a fragrance similar to that of spearmint. For centuries, pennyroyal plant has been used as an herbal preparation to deter pests like fleas and gnats. Aside from its pros and cons as a herb, pennyroyal is very easy to grow.

Does Pennyroyal grow with lilac?

Growing pennyroyal in the herb or perennial garden will add color with its reddish purple to lilac blooms. There are two plants called pennyroyal. One is the European pennyroyal ( Mentha pulegium ), which is a member of the mint family. The other is the American pennyroyal from an unrelated genus, Hedeoma pulegoides.

How do you grow Pennyroyal herb?

Pennyroyal is an easy to grow herb. European pennyroyal makes a wonderful trailing plant when grown in a hanging basket or at the edges of mixed color containers. American pennyroyal can be grown indoors in troughs or outside in the kitchen garden. Pinch the terminal ends of the herb to stimulate bushiness and a more compact growing shape.

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