Is much less grammatically correct?

Is much less grammatically correct?

You use much less after a statement, often a negative one, to indicate that the statement is more true of the person, thing, or situation that you are going to mention next. They are always short of water to drink, much less to bathe in.

What is another way to say much less?

What is another word for much less?

let alone never mind
still less not to mention
to say nothing of

How do you use much less in a sentence?

The phrase is used to indicate that something is especially not the case, even less so than what was previously mentioned. We don’t have enough money for a new car, much less a luxury SUV. He barely looked at me, much less smiled.

How do you use much much and less more?

The phrase “much less” should instead be used in the sentence above. However, “much more” is correctly used in the sentence below: I would help even an enemy if he were in distress, much more a friend.

What does it mean when you say much less?

not to mention
Definition of much less : not to mention —used especially in negative contexts to add to one item another denoting something less likely He had trouble paying for a car, much less a high-definition TV. And so it appears that he is never going to get out of the eighth grade, much less ever make it to college.—

Is much more correct grammar?

The OP’s sentence is grammatically correct. You use “much more” in front of an uncountable noun. Another example: I need much more time to do this job. On the other hand, you use “many more” in front of plural nouns such as I have many more friends in this city.

How do you describe less?

adjective, a comparative of little, with least as superlative. smaller in size, amount, degree, etc.; not so large, great, or much: less money; less speed. lower in consideration, rank, or importance: no less a person than the manager.

What does even less mean?

2. And especially not; and even less so. The phrase is used to indicate that something is especially not the case, even less so than what was previously mentioned. We don’t have enough money for a new car, much less a luxury SUV.

What is a lot less means?

Basically it is OK, but “a lot less” means “a lot less than before”. It could have been 200 days/year before and now it is 50 days/year. However, “very rarely” is “hardly at all”, and should be a very small number in any case.

What is the meaning of far less?

far less (water): much less, a lot less (water) far fewer (problems): a lot fewer, many fewer (problems)

What is another word for let alone?

What is another word for let alone?

leave alone ignore
disregard leave be
let be leave in peace
pay no attention leave somebody to himself or herself
get off someone’s back leave well enough alone

Is it less than or lesser than?

Less then is an absolute statement of comparative magnitude. For example five is less than six. Lesser than is a relative statement of comparative magnitude.

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