How warm is the St Clair River?

How warm is the St Clair River?

The warmest water temperature is in August with an average around 73.8°F / 23.2°C. The coldest month is February with an average water temperature of 32.5°F / 0.3°C.

What is the temperature of the St Clair River in Fahrenheit?

Today water temperature in Saint Clair is 36.9°F.

What time is the shipping forecast on VHF?

H.M. Coastguard broadcasts forecasts every 4 hours on VHF and MF, but these are not receivable with ordinary domestic radio receivers. (Ship-shore communications use about 100 VHF channels in the frequency range 156.0-162.5 MHz and also MF/HF frequencies in the range 1600-2300 kHz).

What is the weather channel on a VHF?

How do I know if there are storm warnings? The USCG announces storm warnings and other urgent marine information broadcasts on VHF Channel 16 before making the broadcasts on VHF Channel 22A. (Most VHFs also include the weather channels.)

How cold is the St Clair River right now?

divetemp 44.2° / 0.4 / 51.4° | St. Clair River metrics in Port Huron, MI.

How fast is the current in the St Clair River?

around 182,000 cubic feet per second
The flow rate averages around 182,000 cubic feet per second (5,200 m3/s), and the drainage area is 223,600 square miles (579,000 km2).

How do you hear the Shipping Forecast?

The Shipping Forecast is published online by the Met Office and the BBC. The daily 0048 forecast is available online via BBC Sounds.

Which VHF channels can I use?

Which VHF Radio Channels Can I Use?

  • Channel 16: For hailing, safety and emergency use only.
  • Channel 9: Pleasure-boat hailing channel.
  • Channels 68, 69, 71, 72 and 78A: Recreational working channels.

What is VHF channel 12 used for?

Vessel traffic regulating
Channel 11-12: Vessel traffic regulating.

Can you swim in the St. Clair River?

The St. Clair River is one of the twelve remaining AOCs located in Michigan. Although the environment is improving over time and people are working to restore the river, there are still chemicals on the bottom of the river. It’s safe to play and swim in the water, but you should be careful when choosing fish to eat.

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