How old is John Egbert at the end of Homestuck?

How old is John Egbert at the end of Homestuck?


My Rating
Name John Egbert
God Tier Heir of Breath
Age 16
Birthdate April 13, 1996

Are John and Rose related Homestuck?

The first group of kids that you see play the game are the Beta Kids. The Beta Kids is group of human children (all roughly thirteen) consisting of John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Dave Strider, and Jade Harley. Rose and Dave are biologically brother and sister though they have only met online, as are John and Jade.

How old is John Egbert at the start of Homestuck?

thirteen year old
John Egbert is a character in Andrew Hussie’s Homestuck. John is a thirteen year old boy whose birthday is on April 13. He is the first kid to be revealed and one of the four kids (along with Rose Lalonde, Dave Strider, and Jade Harley).

What genre is Homestuck?

Homestuck’s massive success lies in its ability to tap into a uniquely millennial humour that many books or films fail to understand. Its diversity is its strength—it is a parody of every genre: from film-noir, to comedy, to sci-fi, to everything in between.

What is John god tier?

Edit. John Egbert shortly after ascension. The god tiers are a series of the highest levels of power available to players of Sburb. Achieving god tier status provides the beneficiary with godlike power in their respective aspect, channeled through their respective class.

What is June Egbert?

June Egbert is an interpretation of J. Egbert as transfem, which was an extremely popular and pervasive headcanon in the Homestuck fandom before being declared canon. June’s name came from this pesterlog.

Who is unordinary God tier?

A God-tier is an individual with an ability level between 6.0-10.0. God-tiers are a subcategory of High-tiers, therefore all God-tiers all High-tiers. They can only be beaten by other God-tiers, and are extremely powerful.

Is John god tier unordinary?

While he initially started off as a low-tier, John’s ability level shot up significantly during his high school years and by the time of his expulsion, John was already a god-tier with a level of 7.0. His current level has been revealed to be 7.5, the second highest level revealed in the series, next to Seraphina.

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