How many digits is an Irish PPS number?

How many digits is an Irish PPS number?

7 numbers
A PPS Number is always 7 numbers followed by either one or 2 letters. It is sometimes called a PPSN. You have a PPS number if: You were born in Ireland in or after 1971.

What does your PPS number look like?

A PPS number is always 7 numbers followed by either one or two letters. PPS numbers are printed on the following Irish documents: Public Services Card or Social Services Card. Medical card or GP visit card.

Do PPS numbers have 2 letters?

A PPS Number is always 7 numbers followed by either one or two letters. If you register for new tax with Revenue, for example VAT or PAYE/PRSI, your VAT/PAYE/PRSI number will be the same as your PPS number.

What is the letter on PPS number?

PPS Number format By September 2001, the Pupil Number was fully withdrawn. The format is seven numeric characters (including leading zeros), a check character and sometimes a second letter, which if it exists, will normally be an A (for individuals) or an H (for non-individuals, e.g., limited companies, trusts, etc.)

How long is a PPS number valid for?

Public Service Cards issued after November 2018 are valid for 10 years.

WHO issues PPS numbers in Ireland?

the Department of Social Protection (DSP)
Your Personal Public Service Number (PPSN) is a unique reference number that is needed for all dealings with public service agencies, including Revenue. PPSNs are given by the Department of Social Protection (DSP). If you are non-resident in Ireland, you can contact the DSP’s Client Identity Services (CIS).

How do I verify a PPS number?

Log in to your MyGovID. Click the ‘Verify my account’ button. Enter your Personal Public Service (PPS) Number and details from your Public Services Card. A text will issue to your phone number containing a single use security pin each time you log in to provide an extra layer of security to your account.

What is PSC number Ireland?

A Public Services Card (PSC) is a card issued to help you access a range of public services. It is usually issued when you are allocated a Personal Public Service (PPS) number, which everyone in Ireland needs in order to access social welfare benefits, public services and certain information.

How do I check if my PPS number is valid?

If you want to check your PPS Number, please enter your PPS Number and click the submit button. A message will be displayed confirming whether or not the PPSN is currently associated with a profile on

Do PPS numbers expire?

How do I find my PSC number?

What information does the Public Services Card (PSC) display

  1. The front of the card holds your name, photograph and signature, along with the card expiry date.
  2. The back of the card holds your PPS number and a card number.

What is PPS card?

What is a Public Services Card? A Public Services Card is usually issued when you are allocated a PPS number. If you apply for, or are currently getting a social welfare payment (including Child Benefit) you will be asked to register for your Public Services Card.

What is a PPSN number Ireland?

Personal Public Service Number (PPSN) Your Personal Public Service Number (PPSN) is a unique reference number that is needed for all dealings with public service agencies, including Revenue. PPSNs are given by the Department of Social Protection (DSP). If you are non-resident in Ireland, you can contact the DSP’s Client Identity Services (CIS).

What is a PPS Number and do I need one?

A PPS number is your Personal Public Service number. It is a unique identifier given to you that helps you access social welfare benefits and public services in Ireland. You may need your PPS number to communicate with public bodies, such as the Irish Revenue Commissioners, or persons authorised by those bodies to act on their behalf.

What is a personal public service number in Ireland?

Personal Public Service number. Introduction. Your Personal Public Service (PPS) number is a unique reference number that helps you access social welfare benefits, public services and information in Ireland. Before you can be allocated a PPS number, you must show that you need one for a transaction with a specified body.

Do I need to apply for a PPS Number for Irish-born children?

Children born in Ireland are usually given a PPS number when their birth is registered with the General Register Office (GRO). This means you do not need to apply for a PPS number for an Irish-born child. However, if the birth is not registered within 3 months, a parent/guardian must make an application – see ‘Child application’ below.

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