How long does a bone contusion take to heal?

How long does a bone contusion take to heal?

Most bone bruises slowly heal over 4-8 weeks, although this can vary considerably based on the age and health of the athlete, as well as the size and location of the bone contusion. In general, a larger bone bruise may take longer to heal.

How serious is a bone contusion?

Our bones can bruise, just like our skin, and a bone bruise is similar to the skin bruise you might see following some kind of trauma. A bone bruise, also called a bone contusion, leaves you sore and may be painful, although it is less serious than a bone fracture.

How long does it take for a navicular to heal?

It will take about 6 weeks for most people to heal. The goals of treatment are to manage pain and support the bone as it heals. This may include: Medicine to ease pain and swelling.

How do you treat an injured navicular bone?

Most treatment options for navicular fractures in your foot or wrist are non-surgical and focus on resting the injured area for six to eight weeks in a non-weight-bearing cast. Surgical treatment is generally chosen by athletes wanting to return to normal activity levels at a faster rate.

What is the fastest way to heal a bone contusion?

Treatment for a bone bruise may include:

  1. Resting the bone or joint.
  2. Applying ice to the area several times a day.
  3. Raising the injury above the level of your heart to reduce swelling.
  4. Taking medicine to reduce pain and swelling.
  5. Wearing a brace or other device to limit movement, if needed.

How does a bone contusion happen?

A bone contusion, or bone bruise, happens when you have a small injury on the surface of a bone. The discoloration appears as blood and other fluids build up. A fracture, on the other hand, involves damage to a deeper area of bone.

How do you tell if you broke your navicular bone?


  1. Vague pain to the middle or top of the foot and in the arch of the foot.
  2. Mild swelling or bruising to the foot, though often not seen.
  3. Pain with walking, running or jumping.
  4. Tenderness when pushing on the navicular bone.

Can you walk with a fractured navicular bone?

The boot protects your foot and will make you more comfortable while the fracture heals. Wear a long sock in your boot. Wear the boot when you are standing and walking for the first 6 weeks. You can take it off at night and at rest.

Can you walk with a broken navicular?

In most cases a navicular fracture can be treated conservatively by implementing a cast that immobilises the injured foot for around 6 weeks while the fracture heals. During this period it will be necessary to use crutches to walk and to avoid much weight bearing.

Should you massage a contusion?

Do not massage the injured area. During the first 24 to 48 hours after injury (acute phase), you will probably need to continue using rest, ice, compression bandages, and elevation of the injured area to control bleeding, swelling, and pain.

How do you treat a contusion?

Initial treatment for contusion should include rest, icing the affected area for 20 minutes, and applying a compression wrap to help minimize swelling. If there is an accompanying open wound, keep the area clean and bandaged.

Can you walk with a navicular fracture?

Pain with walking, running or jumping. Frequently, patients will initially have pain only after high-intensity activities like running or jumping. It can progress to pain with low-intensity activities, such as walking and eventually steady pain, even at rest.

What is the navicular injury?

The navicular is one of the tarsal bones in the ankle. It sits on top of the calcaneus or heel bone. The exact mechanism of injury is not known. However, it is thought the navicular bone gets pinched or impinged between the bones to the front and back of it. As a result it becomes compressed.

What causes navicular bone pain?

Common causes of navicular bone pain are fracture and arthritis Important but less appreciated causes include ligament injury, irritation of low back nerves, and Accessory Navicular Bone. PRP and stem cells are effective, nonsurgical, natural treatment options for Navicular Bone pain.

How do you know if you have a navicular fracture?

Diagnosis of Navicular Stress Fractures. We suspect a navicular stress fracture when a patient has pain with direct pressure on the top of navicular bone. directly over the navicular bone. Sometimes there is a little swelling in the area.

What is the treatment for navicular fracture?

Navicular fractures often require surgical intervention, though they can be treated conservatively in some cases 4). The navicular is a wedge-shaped bone articulating with the talus, calcaneus, the three cuneiform bones, and the cuboid 5).

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