How is the Holy Spirit related to the Father and the Son?

How is the Holy Spirit related to the Father and the Son?

As stated in the Athanasian Creed, the Father is uncreated, the Son is uncreated, and the Holy Spirit is uncreated, and all three are eternal without beginning. “The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” are not names for different parts of God, but one name for God because three persons exist in God as one entity.

Who is Lucifer’s wife?


Who is God’s most trusted angel?


Who is the angel of the bottomless pit?

New Testament The Christian scriptures contain the first known depiction of Abaddon as an individual entity instead of a place. A king, the angel of the bottomless pit; whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek Apollyon; in Latin Exterminans.

What does Ophanim mean?

The ophanim or ofanim (Heb. “wheels” אוֹפַנִּים ‘ōphannīm; singular: אוֹפָן ‘ōphān, ofan), also called galgalim (galgallim, גַּלְגַּלִּים – “spheres”, “wheels”, “whirlwinds”; singular: galgal, גַּלְגַּל), refer to the wheels seen in Ezekiel’s vision of the chariot (Hebrew merkabah) in Ezekiel 1:15–21.

Who are the three angels of God?

The Protestant Bible provides names for three angels: “Michael the archangel”, the angel Gabriel, who is called “the man Gabriel” in Daniel 9:21 and third “Abaddon”/”Apollyon” in Revelation 9:11.

What do cherubim look like?

In Ezekiel 1:5–11 they are described as having the likeness of a man, and having four faces: that of a man, a lion (on the right side), an ox (on the left side), and an eagle.

Do angels have form?

Therefore, an angel is not just a form, but instead has a form in matter. Objection 4: A form is properly limited (limitatur) and made finite (finitur) by matter. Therefore, a form that does not exist in matter is infinite. But an angel’s form is not infinite, since every creature is finite.

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