How do you treat a hernia in the groin?

How do you treat a hernia in the groin?

Inguinal Hernia Treatment Surgery is the only way to fix an inguinal hernia. The doctor will push the bulging tissue back inside and strengthen your abdominal wall with stitches and perhaps mesh. They might be able to do this through a small cut in your belly using a special tool, a procedure called laparoscopy.

Does a groin hernia require surgery?

Inguinal Hernia: What You Need to Know In women, groin hernias are rare, and diagnosis is often missed or misdiagnosed as gynecologic pain. Imaging studies are often necessary to make a definitive diagnosis. Not all inguinal hernias need to be repaired, but all hernia repairs require surgery.

What are the signs of a serious hernia?

More symptoms of a hernia include:

  • Swelling or bulge in the groin or scrotum (the pouch that contains the testicles).
  • Increased pain at the site of the bulge.
  • Pain while lifting.
  • Increase in the bulge size over time.
  • A dull aching sensation.
  • A sense of feeling full or signs of bowel obstruction.

Is it okay to leave a hernia untreated?

If it is left untreated, a strangulated hernia can lead to life-threatening conditions such as necrotizing enterocolitis (severe inflammation of intestine) and sepsis. Since hernias can happen to anyone at any age, knowing warning signs of hernias and being aware of them are essential.

How big is a inguinal hernia?

The mean length of the inguinal canal in a direct hernia was 5.66 ± 0.5 cm whereas the mean length in an indirect inguinal hernia was 6.46 ± 0.8 cm.

How do I know if my inguinal hernia is strangulated?

What are the symptoms of a strangulated hernia?

  1. acute pain that comes on suddenly and may get more severe.
  2. bloody stools.
  3. constipation.
  4. darkening or reddening of the skin over the hernia.
  5. fatigue.
  6. fever.
  7. inability to pass gas.
  8. inflammation or tenderness around the hernia.

What happens if you don’t take care of your hernia?

“Hernias cannot heal on their own — if left untreated, they usually get bigger and more painful, and can cause serious health risks in some cases.” If the wall through which the intestine is protruding closes shut, it can cause a strangulated hernia, which cuts off blood flow to the bowel.

How do you keep a hernia from getting worse?

If you have a hernia, try to keep it from getting worse:

  1. Avoid heavy lifting when you can. Lifting puts stress on the groin.
  2. When you must lift, don’t bend over. Lift objects by using the legs, not the back.
  3. Eat high-fiber foods and drink plenty of water.
  4. Maintain a healthy body weight.

What happens if you don’t get a hernia repaired?

While it may not be causing trouble now, it is very likely that it could lead to more serious complications later if it is not repaired. One of those complications is strangulation. This occurs when the bulging tissue is squeezed by the muscle wall. As a result, the blood supply is cut off and the tissue begins to die.

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