How do you dilute a 1kb DNA ladder?

How do you dilute a 1kb DNA ladder?

The ladder is diluted to a 1:4 solution in water for use (3 parts water for 1 part ladder). To make 100 µl, 75 µl of water are combined with 25 µl of the DNA ladder. Then, 20 µl of 6X loading dye is added and the solution is split into 60 µl aliquots (0.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes) and stored at -20 C.

How do you make a 1 kb DNA ladder?

If you want to prepare a working stock of the 1 kb ladder with loading dye, measure amount of ladder in the tube and add the loading dye accordingly. Use water to dilute your loading dye, in the ratio of 1 part ladder, 1 part buffer, and 4 parts ddH20 (if your loading buffer is 6X).

What is a 1 Kb plus ladder?

Recommendations. Invitrogen 1 Kb Plus DNA Ladder is designed for sizing and approximate quantification of double-stranded DNA in the range of 100 bp to 15,000 bp. 1 Kb Plus DNA Ladder consists of 18 individual chromatography-purified DNA fragments and has a reference band at 1,500 bp for easy orientation.

What is a 1 kb DNA size standard ladder?

The 1 kb DNA ladder is a unique combination of a number of plasmids digested with restriction enzymes and PCR products to yield 13 DNA fragments that are suitable for use as a molecular weight standard for electrophoresis.

How is DNA ladder made?

Typically, a DNA fragment that contains a tandem repeat units separated by the same unique restriction enzyme sites was cloned into a plasmid and then partially digested to produce a ladder with multimers of the repeats [5, 6].

Can I dilute DNA ladder?

Dilute only 1 µl of DNA Ladder at a time DNA may denature if diluted and stored in dH20. This protocol is recommended for a 5mm wide gel lane. The components of the mixture should be scaled up or down, depending on the width of the lane.

What is a DNA ladder in gel electrophoresis?

A DNA ladder is a solution of DNA molecules of different lengths used in agarose or acrylamide gel electrophoresis. It is applied as a reference to estimate the size of unknown DNA molecules that were separated based on their mobility in an electrical field through the gel.

How many KB are in DNA?

Genome size refers to the amount of DNA contained in a haploid genome expressed either in terms of the number of base pairs, kilobases (1 kb = 1000 bp), or megabases (1 Mb = 1 000 000 bp), or as the mass of DNA in picograms (1 pg = 10−12 g). Genome sizes of bacteriophages and viruses range from about 2 kb to over 1 Mb.

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