How do you cook McCain frozen vegetables?

How do you cook McCain frozen vegetables?

Place 250g of McCain Mixed Vegetables in a suitable microwave container….Cooking Instructions and Suggestions

  1. Place 250 g of McCain Mixed Vegetables into an equivalent amount of boiling water.
  2. Boil for approximately 3 minutes.
  3. Do not cover the pot with a lid.
  4. Drain the water.
  5. Once cooked, season to taste.

What can I add to mixed vegetables?

When it comes to seasoning mixed vegetables, start with the basics. As with nearly any food, the holy trifecta of spices applies to mixed veggies: salt, pepper and garlic. For a 16-ounce bag of mixed veggies, add about a tablespoon of butter or olive oil and season with salt, pepper and garlic to taste.

What is the best way to cook frozen vegetables?

Step 1: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Step 2: line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the frozen vegetables on top in an even layer. Step 3: Toss your veggies with olive oil and spices until coated, then bake at 400 degrees for around 30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes or so.

What can you add to frozen vegetables?

Acidic ingredients like lemon or vinegar, fats like butter and olive oil, spicy condiments like chile flakes or hot sauce, savory ingredients like cheese, bacon and nuts and fresh and dried herbs are all your friends when it comes to frozen vegetables.

How do you cook frozen garden mix?

Place 250g Garden Mix Vegetables in a suitable microwave container….Cooking Instructions and Suggestions

  1. Place required quantity of Garden Mix Vegetables into an equivalent amount of boiling water.
  2. Boil for approximately 5 minutes.
  3. Do not cover the pot with a lid.
  4. Drain the water.
  5. Season with salt and pepper.

Is frozen mixed vegetables healthy?

The bottom line. Though there may be slight variations between different vegetables and specific nutrients, frozen vegetables typically retain most of their nutritional value.

How do you cook frozen vegetables without getting soggy?

Prepare frozen vegetables directly from frozen (do not thaw) Do not boil frozen vegetables for long periods of time– it leaches out nutrients and ruins the taste. For a crunchier bite, microwave frozen vegetables in a dish without water until hot right through- 4 to 5 minutes will do the trick.

What is the healthiest way to cook frozen vegetables?

Moist heat methods of cooking, such as microwaving and boiling, have a reputation for turning frozen veggies into a soggy mess, which is why experts recommend sautéing, frying or roasting them instead. “The longer the vegetables are exposed to heat and water, the lower the quality,” Shepherd said.

How can I spice up vegetables?

Salt and pepper are absolute musts no matter what you’re making or how you’re preparing it, but for an added boost of flavor, try any kind of spice. Dried herbs are always easy to use and mix up, or you can add warming spices like cumin, ginger, allspice, and coriander for a smokier flavor.

Are frozen mixed veggies healthy?

Similar to canned veggies, frozen veggies are low cost and quite stable. What’s more is that the freezing process is very favorable toward vegetables, with nutrients, vitamins and minerals all being well-retained. In fact, frozen veggies may actually be more nutritious than fresh ones, in some cases.

How do you pan fry frozen vegetables?


  1. Pour your bag of frozen vegetables into a skillet over medium-high heat.
  2. Add one tablespoon of olive oil (or cooking oil of your choice) to the pan and stir.
  3. Cook, uncovered, for 5-7 minutes, until heated through, stirring occasionally.

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