How do I make the background image not move when I scroll?

How do I make the background image not move when I scroll?

To keep your background fixed, scroll, or local in CSS, we have to use the background-attachment property….Values of background-attachment property:

  1. Scroll: It is the default value for the background-attachment property.
  2. Fixed: The background image will not scroll.

How do I create a fixed background image in HTML?

Set a background image using the HTML body element In the above example, background=”bg. gif” is setting the background picture using the bg. gif and then bgproperties=”fixed” sets the images as a fixed background that will not scroll.

What is background-attachment scroll in CSS?

The background-attachment CSS property sets whether a background image’s position is fixed within the viewport, or scrolls with its containing block.

How do I change the scrolling background in HTML?

Changing background image on scroll Add multiple empty element on the web page. To each div add a background-image property. Add background-size , background-position and background-repeat properties to the background image. Set the height of each element.

What is background attachment in HTML?

The background-attachment property is used to specify that the background image is fixed or scroll with the rest of the page in the browser window. This property has three values scroll, fixed, and local.

How do I make an image scroll in CSS?

To make a scrolling image we can use the CSS animation property (to apply an animation to the element) along with the @keyframes rule (to define the animation). Here, we’re actually making the inner element scroll. This element contains the image so the image scrolls too.

How do you make a background image scroll?

Changing background image on scroll To each div add a background-image property. Add background-size , background-position and background-repeat properties to the background image. Set the height of each element. Add some text in the foreground and add position:fixed to it.

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