How can I get the last element of a string in PHP?

How can I get the last element of a string in PHP?

Get the Last Character of a String in PHP

  1. Use substr() Function to Get the Last Char of a String in PHP.
  2. Use Direct String Access to Get the Last Char of a String in PHP.
  3. Use a for Loop to Get the Last Char of a String in PHP.

How do I escape a character in PHP?

Widely used Escape Sequences in PHP

  1. \’ – To escape ‘ within single quoted string.
  2. \” – To escape “ within double quoted string.
  3. \\ – To escape the backslash.
  4. \$ – To escape $.
  5. \n – To add line breaks between string.
  6. \t – To add tab space.
  7. \r – For carriage return.

How do I get the last character of a string in SAS?

How to Extract the Last Character from a SAS String

  1. You can use the SUBSTR() function in combination with the LENGTH() or REVERSE() function to extract the last character from a string in SAS.
  2. The first method to get the last character from a string combines the power of the SUBSTR() function and the LENGTH() function.

What does substr () do in PHP?

The substr() is a built-in function of PHP, which is used to extract a part of a string. The substr() function returns a part of a string specified by the start and length parameter. PHP 4 and above versions support this function.

How do you put a slash in a string?

If you want to include a backslash character itself, you need two backslashes or use the @ verbatim string: var s = “\\Tasks”; // or var s = @”\Tasks”; Read the MSDN documentation/C# Specification which discusses the characters that are escaped using the backslash character and the use of the verbatim string literal.

How do you escape quotation marks in a string?

How to Escape Quotes in a String. To add quoted strings inside of strings, you need to escape the quotation marks. This happens by placing a backslash ( \ ) before the escaped character. In this case, place it in front of any quotation mark you want to escape.

How do you get the last character of a string in ABAP?

data(len) = strlen( str ). write str(len). ” this is equal to write str+0(len). ” which is equal to write str.

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