How big can Lurchers get?

How big can Lurchers get?

Lurchers vary in size and coat type, depending on the cross used to create them. They may be as small as a Whippet or as large as a Greyhound or Scottish Deerhound, with a weight range of 35 to 100 pounds. Originally known as the poacher’s dog, the Lurcher is bred for speed, hunting ability, intelligence, and tenacity.

Does a lurcher make a good pet?

Nowadays, Lurchers are becoming very popular as they make exceptional family dogs. They are generally good with children, gentle, loving, very affectionate and loyal.

Which is bigger lurcher or greyhound?

Greyhounds are large bodied, but lurchers are either large or small. Despite the fact that lurcher has a greyhound parent, the temperaments and other characteristics can be highly variable between the two dogs.

Are Lurchers destructive?

No two Lurchers are the same Unsurprisingly, their mixed-breed genes (a hint of Collie, a touch of Terrier) can mean that they have a tendency to become easily bored, which can lead to destructive behaviour.

Why are so many Lurchers abandoned?

Many Lurchers are used for lamping, a form of hunting, and are ‘disposed of’ once they are no longer useful to the owner. This means that lots of Lurchers come into our care as strays, after being found wandering the streets alone.

How long do Lurchers live for?

approximately 12-15 years
Compatible with children and other house pets when introduced to them gradually, the breed is low maintenance and makes a great addition to any home setting. Whilst there are discrepancies across gender, the average Lurcher will weigh between 27-32 kg, with a life expectancy of approximately 12-15 years.

What is a bull lurcher?

Ultimate killer ‘urban hunter’ dogs bred in Scotland to savage other animals on sight. The bull lurchers have speed of a greyhound and ferocity of American pit bulls and are used by twisted owners to kill badgers, foxes and deer.

How long do lurchers live for?

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