Can you block a website with a password?

Can you block a website with a password?

Go to the left side of the Block Site page and tap “Password Protection.” Check the “Protect your preferred Block Site Options and the Chrome extension page with a password.” This will turn on the password feature.

How do I block a website on Mozilla Firefox?

How to block a website on Firefox using the Block Site extension

  1. Click the three bars in the top-right corner of your screen.
  2. Click “Add-ons.”
  3. This will bring you to a settings page.
  4. On the next page, click the three dots.
  5. Click “Preferences.”
  6. This will open an options page for Block Site in a new tab.

How can I block websites?


  1. In the “Search the store” search box (directly above Apps), type: block site and then hit enter.
  2. Search and click on the “Block Site” extension.
  3. Select + ADD TO CHROME next to “BlockSite”
  4. Click on Add extension on the pop-up screen.

How do I block websites on my laptop?

How to Block Any Website On Browser Level

  1. Open the browser and go to Tools (alt+x) > Internet Options. Now click the security tab and then click the red Restricted sites icon.
  2. Now in the pop-up, manually type the websites you want to block one-by-one. Click Add after typing the name of each site.

Can I block a website from myself Firefox?

Find “Block Site” and click the three dots next to it. Select “Options” in the menu that appears. On the next page, type the name of the website you want to block in the “Block a New Hostname” text box. Click “Add” to add the website to the block list.

How do I restrict access to a website?

How can I block a website from myself?

Here’s how.

  1. Open the browser and go to Tools (alt+x) > Internet Options. Now click the security tab and then click the red Restricted sites icon. Click the Sites button below the icon.
  2. Now in the pop-up, manually type the websites you want to block one-by-one. Click Add after typing the name of each site.

How do I block access to a website?

How do I block a website in Firefox?

It’s the three horizontal lines at the top-right corner of Firefox. A menu will expand. Click Add-ons on the menu. It’s the option with a puzzle piece icon. Click the Extensions tab. It’s on the left side of the window. Open Block Site’s options page.

How do I create a password for a block site?

Open Block Site’s options page. Scroll down until you find the Block Site heading, then click Options to the right of the heading. Create a password. Scroll down to the “Master password” text box, then click the text box and type in a password you’ll remember.

How do I remove a blocked website from my account?

Find the “Block Site” add-on and open the menu by pressing the “—“. Click “Options”. This will open the page of options for the add-on. Find the blocked website under “Existing Rules” and click the word “Remove”. Scroll down and click “Save”.

How do I password protect Firefox from unauthorized access?

Enter a password you’ll remember. It can be as many or as few letters as you’d like. Scroll down and tap Save Options & Close. Now that your options are saved, anyone who attempts to visit the selected sites in Firefox will be unable to do so. If they attempt to change the app settings, they won’t be able to without your password.

Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel.

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