Can MongoDB be used with PHP?

Can MongoDB be used with PHP?

Php provides mongodb driver to connect with mongoDB database. After installing it, we can perform database operations by using the php.

How configure MongoDB in PHP?

Follow the steps below to configure MongoDB for the XAMPP stack.

  1. Install and Configure XAMPP. First, you should install the XAMPP stack.
  2. Download PHP Mongo Driver.
  3. Copy PHP Mongo DDL to EXT Directory.
  4. Add Extension to php.
  5. Modify the PATH Variable.
  6. Restart Apache and Verify.

Where do I put MongoDB extension in PHP INI?

Open your ‘php. ini’ file and add ‘extension=php_mongo. dll’ to it. Restart your web server.

How do I run a PHP file in MongoDB?

Following are the few steps to connect MongoDB PHP:

  1. Make a Connection and Select a Database.
  2. Create a Collection.
  3. Insert a Document.
  4. Find All Documents.
  5. Update a Document.
  6. Delete a Document.

Is MongoDB faster than MySQL?

When it comes to the performance of MongoDB on unstructured data it is relatively very fast when compared to MySQL. The main reason for this is its Documents-based data storage. Performs better than MySQL when working with Objects due to its JSON type Object storage.

How connect MongoDB to xampp?

Get started with MongoDB and PHP with XAMPP on Windows

  1. Copy the extracted php_mongodb. dll file into :pp\php\ext folder.
  2. Open XAMPP php. ini and add the line: extension=php_mongodb. dll.
  3. Restart the Apache server in XAMPP. You’re good to go.

How do you get PECL?


  1. Install the Developer Tools for your DV server.
  2. Log into your server with a root or sudo user via SSH.
  3. Create a temporary executable “/tmp” directory, as shown in steps 1-3 of this article.
  4. Perform a channel-update for PEAR and PECL: # pear channel-update # pecl channel-update

What is MongoClient used for?

As a document database, MongoDB makes it easy for developers to store structured or unstructured data. It uses a JSON-like format to store documents.

What is MongoClient in PyMongo?

The class MongoClient enables you to make successful MongoDB server connections with your code. The MongoClient can accomplish this with client instances. When you use the PyMongo driver with the MongoClient, coding and connections happen more quickly.

What is the extension of MongoDB?

In MongoDB, data is stored as documents. These documents are stored in MongoDB in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format.

Is it possible to install mongoclient in PHP7?

The MongoCLient class was provided by pecl install mongo . But pecl/mongo is not available for php7 and deprecated in favor of pecl/mongodb.

Can I use PECL/MongoDB with MongoDB?

But with pecl/mongodb you’ll need to use MongoDB\\Driver\\Manager instead of MongoClient (warning on page says so too). See here for further reading. This said, you will need an abstraction layer on top of the PHP MongoDB\\Driver\\Manager.

What is the correct DLL name for PHP_Mongo?

It has to be ‘php_mongo.dll’ and I was trying to load the full name dll as I said at the begining of this post. So I changed the correct dll for me ( extension=php_mongo-1.5.4-5.5-vc11) for extension=php_mongo.dll and voilà!

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