Can I use DO loop in PROC SQL?

Can I use DO loop in PROC SQL?

Re: DO loop in PROC SQL. You can not make a loop inside SQL, but you can make a small macro that will do what you want. If you data are BIG, this will not be an efficient method as it will read the data 50 times – perhaps apply an index on MyDataSet on the variable MyVar to boot performance.

Do loops in SAS?

Iterative DO loops are the simplest form of DO loops that can be executed within a SAS Data Step. The actions of an iterative DO loop are unconditional, meaning that if you define a loop to execute 50 times, it will execute 50 times without stopping (unless an error occurs during processing).

How do I apply a loop in SAS?

There are two ways to do this: you can use the WHILE clause to iterate as long as a certain condition holds, or you can use the UNTIL clause to iterate until a certain condition holds. You can use the DO statement with a WHILE clause to iterate while a condition is true.

DO loop with conditions SAS?

The DO UNTIL statement executes statements in a DO loop repetitively until a condition is true, checking the condition after each iteration of the DO loop. The DO WHILE statement evaluates the condition at the top of the loop; the DO UNTIL statement evaluates the condition at the bottom of the loop.

DO loop decrement SAS?

Decrementing SAS DO Loops You can decrement a DO loop’s index variable by specifying a negative value for the BY clause. For example, the specification in this iterative DO statement decreases the index variable by 1, resulting in values of 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.

Do functions do in SAS?

The DO UNTIL statement executes statements in a DO loop repetitively until a condition is true, checking the condition after each iteration of the DO loop. The DO WHILE statement executes statements in a DO loop repetitively while a condition is true, checking the condition before each iteration of the DO loop.

DO loop break SAS?

The answer is yes. The LEAVE statement in the SAS DATA step is equivalent to the “break” statement. It provides a way to immediately exit from an iterative loop. The CONTINUE statements in the SAS DATA step skips over any remaining statements in the body of a loop and starts the next iteration.

Do loops Lisp?

The do construct is also used for performing iteration using LISP. It provides a structured form of iteration. The dotimes construct allows looping for some fixed number of iterations. The dolist construct allows iteration through each element of a list.

DO loop leave SAS?

DO WHILE VS do until?

The DO UNTIL option resembles the DO WHILE option, in that both options evaluate the status of test expressions; however, the DO WHILE option checks the test expression’s value at the beginning of the DO-group, whereas the DO UNTIL statement checks its value at the end of the DO-group.

DO loop in SAS examples?

Types of DO Loops

Type Example
Iterative DO statement data example; x=0; do i=1 to 3; x=x+1; put x=; end; run; Log output x=1 i=1 x=2 i=2 x=3 i=3 Example: Use Iterative DO TO Syntax to Iterate a Specific Number of Times

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