Can cold sores cause swollen eyes?

Can cold sores cause swollen eyes?

People typically contract eye herpes by touching a cold sore and then touching the eyes with their contaminated fingers. Once contracted, the virus stays in the body for life. Ocular herpes tends to infect the cornea, causing inflammation, eye redness, tearing, and — in rare cases — vision loss.

Can cold sores affect your eyes?

Herpes simplex is a virus that causes cold sores and genital herpes. However, it can also cause eye infections. This is because the virus lives inside the nerves in your face and can travel down the nerves to your eye if you are unwell or stressed.

Can I get a cold sore on my eyelid?

The herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a common virus that affects many people. In addition to causing cold sores, this virus can cause sores to appear on the eyes. When it affects a person’s eyes, the condition is known as eye herpes, ocular herpes, or herpetic eye disease.

Can you get a cold sore on your eyelid?

What does eye herpes look like? The herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a common virus that affects many people. In addition to causing cold sores, this virus can cause sores to appear on the eyes. When it affects a person’s eyes, the condition is known as eye herpes, ocular herpes, or herpetic eye disease.

What do you do for a cold sore on your eyelid?

The main treatments are:

  1. antiviral eyedrops or ointment – these stop the virus spreading and are usually used several times a day for up to 2 weeks.
  2. steroid eyedrops – these may be used in combination with antiviral drops (under supervision by an ophthalmologist) to reduce inflammation.

How do you get rid of a cold sore on your eyelid?

Your doctor will recommend antiviral eye drops or ointment or oral antiviral drugs. A common treatment is the oral medication acyclovir (Zovirax). Acyclovir may be a good treatment option because it doesn’t come with some of the potential side effects of the eye drops, such as watery eyes or itching.

Can you get a cold sore in your eyelid?

How long does a cold sore in the eye last?

Most herpes simplex eye infections get better in 1 to 2 weeks, although they can last longer. Treatment is usually needed to reduce the risk of complications. The main treatments are: antiviral eyedrops or ointment – these stop the virus spreading and are usually used several times a day for up to 2 weeks.

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